How Do You Library?: Right to Read Day

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It's National Library Week and, while we celebrate Banned Books Week in the fall, the first weekday of National Library Week always highlights an individual's right to choose their own reading materials or choose age-appropriate materials for those in their care without restricting others' access. What can you do to help or "celebrate" Right to Read Day? You can always read a banned or challenged book . The American Library Association, a professional association for all kinds of libraries-

Heart Stuff for Heart Month

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It's February, which in addition to being Black History Month, is also American Heart Month. While everyone's needs are different, there are many similar ways we can be attentive to our heart health, including understanding our blood pressure and knowing when it's too high or too low, eating more fruits and vegetables, trying to get better sleep, working on how we handle stressful events in our lives, and stopping smoking. The National Institute of Health has some great Fact Sheets to learn more

Read Great Things BINGO for 2024: A New Take on our Reading Challenge

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One item of wrap-up before moving on to 2024-- if you haven't filled out the Read Great Things 2023 completion form to document your "win," you have until Thursday, February 15 to do so. Not sure if you've "won"? Click on the form or the 2023 challenge information guide. You'll have needed to complete 10 categories in total, but can double-dip, so five well-chosen books can do it for you. No sign up was necessary, so if you read it in 2023, you could win! Prizes will be available late February

Getting Crafty this Spring: Upcoming Crafternoons!

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Despite the weirdness of the first two weeks of the semester with weather and unexpected power/data outages, we've made it to week three. Congrats! Why not reward yourself with a little midweek Crafternoon once a month? This semester, we'll be learning a few new crafts and leveraging the talents, skills, and resources of our on-campus partners. As usual, all supplies will be provided for Durham Tech students, faculty, and staff. One new thing this semester: We love that we've had so many folks

Spring Semester Library News

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Welcome to 2024! We made it and have already had some weather excitement. Remember to regularly check your Durham Tech email for updates from instructors, the College, or about changes or reminders about classes or College operations, whether it's weather or life circumstances. A few beginning of semester reminders & news-- Subscribe to the Durham Tech Library Blog If you're getting this in your email, thanks! You're already subscribed. If you're stumbling on this blog post randomly or it has

Snacks & Shorts for Thanksgiving Break

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Just a reminder that Durham Tech, including the Library, will be closed for Thanksgiving Break on Thursday and Friday, November 23 and 24. We'll see you again on Monday, November 27 for the final push towards the end of the semester. Many of us will be seeing our families (blood or chosen) for this short Thanksgiving break or sometime over the next month of various food holidays, and while we love them, sometimes it's nice to have a little break. If you're looking to stretch, explore, or adapt

Veteran's Day

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All campuses of Durham Tech, including the libraries, will be closed this year for Veteran's Day, Fri., Nov. 10. Durham Tech's Veterans Services helps our veteran students succeed with support from GI Bill benefits. For questions about available resources, reach out to Demitrius Bullock, Durham Tech's Veterans Services Coordinator. Originally celebrated as Armistice Day after World War I, the first official Veteran's Day was in 1954, designated to remember and honor American veterans after large

Hear ye, hear ye! Library Announcements!

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A few quick Library-related announcements-- Our last Crafternoon of the semester is coming up on Tues., Nov. 14 from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM at the Orange County Campus and Wed., Nov. 15 from 1:00 to 3:00 PM at the Main Campus Library. We'll be making buttons and word bracelets, allowing you to create your own motto or mantra to wear around your wrist. Here's where we need YOU: Do you have any beads hanging around at home? Did you buy a thousand letters for some T-Swift friendship bracelets and now

It's Time to FALL into a New (Good!) Book

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The weather is finally changing, and we've got some fresh new fiction in our collection to cozy up. Check out the books highlighted below and on our new books shelves-- right before you go downstairs in the Main Campus Library and on the shelf along the back wall in the Orange County Campus Library. Prefer ebooks or audiobooks? Our NC Community College online library collection-- Dogwood Digital Library-- is available 24/7 on and off-campus with your Durham Tech username and password. Download