ERC computer lab

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
We are happy to say that the ERC library computer lab is now up and running again, as of Wednesday afternoon 1/11. This lab is open to all current Durham Tech students (current Durham Tech ID required) doing academic work.

Technical Difficulties

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We are starting off the New Year with a few technical difficulties. The most important of these is that the computers in the library computer lab have crashed, and so right now our computer lab is closed. Our upstairs public computers are available for use; you can print b/w copies for 5 cents a page or we can help you save your work to print later. Free printing (10 pages a day) for Durham Tech students is available at the Wynn Center computer lab. Our IT department is working hard to resolve

Happy New Year!

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We welcome all of you back to Durham Tech for our spring semester 2012. Don't forget, you will need your Durham Tech student ID both to use reserves (these are mostly textbooks available for library use only) and to check out materials to take home. We look forward to working with you--if you have any questions, please come to the desk and ask us!

News from NC LIVE!

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First, NC LIVE will be adding the following brand new resources to its collection by Thursday, December 15: Art & Architecture Complete Biography Reference Center Entrepreneurial Studies Source Environment Complete Legal Information Reference Center Points of View Small Business Reference Center Small Engine Repair Reference Center Also, NC LIVE audio books are coming back! NC has just announced they will again offer downloadable audio books beginning Tuesday January 3, 2012. All audio books

Assistive Technology Available for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

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Hi, my name is Holly. I am one of the library technicians in the Durham Tech Campus Library. You'll usually see me at the desk in the evenings and most Saturdays. If you have been in the library in the evenings or on Saturdays, you may have noticed that there is a tiny laptop that sits near the computers at the circulation desk. This little computer is called an Interpretype. I am hard of hearing, so I use this device to communicate with people at the desk more efficiently. People with hearing

Cool Resource: NC LIVE's NoveList Plus

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
NoveList Plus is a great tool for readers and book clubs. It is designed to help you find information on your favorite titles, authors, or series, including recommendations for your next great read. NoveList Plus features: Book discussion guides Author Read-alikes Award-winners lists Happy browsing and reading with NoveList Plus! Remember to ask the library for a password if you would like to access this resource remotely via NC LIVE.

Citation Workshops for Students

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Do you want to learn strategies for avoiding plagiarism? Do you want some hands-on practice creating citations? Do you want to be more comfortable using MLA and APA citation styles? If so, please join us for a Citation Workshop in the ERC Computer Lab classroom 520 Tues. Nov. 29th 10:00-11:00 a.m. Workshop Objectives: -Learn to determine why, when, and how to cite sources -Learn to locate and follow proper citation guidelines for MLA and APA formats -Learn how to avoid plagiarism -Practice

Welcome to Durham Tech Library's New Blog!

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
Welcome to the Durham Tech Library blog! I have been a librarian at Durham Tech since October 1989. In the past year, we have made significant improvements to the library space. Some of these, such as a library classroom and better soundproofing, have been needed since the library opened in 1987. In addition to new paint and carpet, we created a large group study room (learning commons), doubled the size of the computer lab to create a library instruction classroom/open computer lab, and added