Yellow Books for the Annual Pollening

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It's that time of year again. You know what I mean. Since we can't avoid it (unless we never leave the house) or control it, we may as well accept it and cope as best we can with itchy eyes, stuffy noses, and a dream of the few perfect days before the humidity settles in our bones. Here are some blonde books to read outside (after taking your allergy meds) to soak up the spring weather with canary covers to hide the pollen. Click on the link in the caption to access

New Books at Main Campus: Read about Recipes, Engaging Students, & More!

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Library staff were so pleased to see Altarius Moody in The New York Times boosting Durham Tech's Culinary Arts Program. To celebrate Durham Tech's appearance in national culinary news, this week we've highlighted a few of our excellent new recipe books available for checkout. (Psst, did you know we have a terrific research guide for Culinary Arts if you need to brush up on some cooking techniques? It has videos, the history of specific ingredients, and other culinary resources!) Don't forget to

Finishing Up National Library Week: Your Library Staff

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So technically Tuesday was National Library Workers' Day, but it was also a high pollen count day, so there's been a bit of a delay in posting (apologies). We may be biased (acknowledging bias is an important part of information literacy, you know), but we have a great group of library employees. Your Durham Tech Library staff participate in councils, committees, mentoring, programming, advising, campus planning, and many other parts of the Durham Tech community. We recognize that the way to

It's National Library Week!

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April 3-9, 2022 is National Library Week, a time celebrate our nation's libraries, library workers' contributions and promote library use and support. This year's theme is Connect with your Library. How can you connect with your Durham Tech Library? Well, follow the blog (hi!) and you can definitely check out our social media (especially our much more active Instagram but also our less active Facebook). You can also attend some of our Crafternoons or other events, such as those in collaboration

Explore the stage with our live theater database Digital Theater+

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Durham Tech Libraries recently added a very exciting new database resource: Digital Theater+! When Durham Tech students and instructors use Digital Theater+, they can explore high quality videos of award-winning plays, dig into the history of various genres of theater, and enjoy a Spotify-like curation of stories by theme. It's an all-encompassing theatrical experience*. *Stage fright not included. Continue reading to see what the fuss is all about! When you navigate to Digital Theater+ (off

New Books: Celebrating Women's History Month

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Women's History Month was enshrined in law as an annual, month-long celebration on March 12, 1987, noting that "despite these contributions [by women], the role of American women in history has been consistently overlooked and undervalued in the body of American history." Who reading this can say they've done their studies and can score an A+ on NCpedia's Quiz of North Carolina Women's History? I like to brush up on my knowledge with their excellent Women's History materials. This year, however

Films on Demand: Nursing Current Concepts and Practices Collection

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Calling all nursing students and instructors—we have a new audio and video collection for you! Nursing: Current Concepts and Practices Collection from Films on Demand is designed to help students pass licensure exams and prepare for long-term job success. It includes titles from the last 5 years from trusted nursing education sources such as Medcom-Trainex, Elsevier, Medivision, American Academy of Pediatrics, and more! Because this is a database of only video and audio resources, it’s perfect

New Books: Mushroom Guides, Pollinator gardens, Birding & More!

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Say goodbye to those chilly evenings, readers, it's Springtime! We're celebrating the arrival of warmer weather and buzzing insects with a few new additions to our catalog. Maybe you've heard about mushroom foraging and want to give identification a try, or you've spotted a few colorfully feathered friends that you'd like to identify. Are you starting to plan your garden? We've got books for all of that over at our Main Campus Library. Keep reading to see a colorful gallery of these new

The Four Moves: SIFTing Through the Internet

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How can anyone be expected to tell truth from fiction (or as Gen Z says, cap or no cap) in our hyper connected world? Here are four moves you can make to help you determine whether something credible or not on the internet. The Four Moves, or The SIFT Method: Using the SIFT Method to help evaluate information found online. STOP: You found something that may or may not be true! STOP yourself from sharing it right away and follow the next steps. INVESTIGATE THE SOURCE: Figure out where the

What We're Reading: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry by Gabrielle Zevin

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A.J. Fikry owns a bookstore, which he and his late wife Nic started on a vacationers' island in New England. The story begins with A.J. the widower wallowing in his grief each night with frozen dinners and red wine. As he works through his grief and begins to let people into his life, he finds meaning. Title: The Storied Life of A.J. Fikry Author: Gabrielle Zevin Genre: contemporary fiction Read Great Things 2022 Categories: A happy or hopeful book; A book about community; Blast from the past: A