Records Retention and Disposition



Policy Name:

Records Retention and Disposition


Keitcha M. Royal
Executive Coordinator,
Office of the President


Office of the President

Effective Date:

July 1, 2016; December 4, 2018 (Revision); 
May 26, 2021 (Revision)

Last Reviewed:




G.S. § 121-5(c)(link is external); G.S. § 132-8(link is external)


Policy Statement

Durham Technical Community College follows sound records management practices to ensure compliance with North Carolina Community College System guidelines.


The North Carolina Community College System (NCCCS) Records Retention and Disposition Schedule(link is external) is a tool for community college employees to use when managing institutional records. The schedule lists records commonly found in college offices and gives an assessment of their value by indicating how long the records should be retained. The schedule is also an agreement between the North Carolina Community College System and the State Archives of North Carolina, and serves as the inventory and schedule that the State Archives of North Carolina is directed by G.S. § 121-5(c)(link is external) and G.S. § 132-8(link is external) to provide. It supersedes all previous editions, including all amendments.


The Office of the President assigns College employees record series based on their role at the College. Employees assigned one or more record series are required to comply with College and NCCCS records management guidelines; failure to do so will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the Disciplinary Actions, Suspension, and Termination of Employment policy

The Office of the President will provide employees with information related to this policy during the fall semester of each academic year or more frequently if updates are required by NCCCS or State action.