Policies and Procedures
Durham Tech’s policies and procedures are updated according to a schedule of periodic review or in response to circumstances requiring a specific revision. During emergencies and adverse conditions, modifications may also be made in accordance with the Presidential Authority During Emergencies and Adverse Conditions policy. Additionally, policies and procedures may be suspended or retired should circumstances warrant such action; the decision to suspend or retire a policy or procedure will be made by the policy and procedure coordinator, in consultation with the President or their designee.
Policy: The term “policy” is used to represent a statement that addresses a required course or principle of action to be followed by the College’s employees, students, and/or visitors. Policies require approval by the Durham Tech Board of Trustees and are adopted at a public meeting. All policies are effective the day they are approved by the Board of Trustees unless circumstances, including state and federal mandates, dictate an alternative date.
Procedure: The term “procedure” is used to represent a detailed description of actions or instructions to be completed in a prescribed way or order. Procedures may be approved and officially adopted by the Policies & Procedures Council. Procedures addressing especially sensitive matters may go before the Board of Trustees for review and final determination. All procedures are effective the day they are approved unless circumstances, including state and federal mandates, dictate an alternative date.
Sponsor: The term “sponsor” is used to indicate the individual or entity who proposes a new policy or procedure or the revision of an existing one. The sponsor is the point of contact for questions and comments during the development/revision period.
Custodian: The term “custodian” is used to represent the department, division, or area responsible for a policy or procedure after its approval, serving as the point of contact for questions, comments, and periodic reviews.
Policy and Procedure Development Process