
Policy Name:
Child Involvement Leave

C. Suzi Jaikaran
Payroll Specialist, Systems/Budget Accountant


Effective Date:
July 1, 2015; February 17, 2023

Last Reviewed:


N.C.G.S. § 95-28.3.(link is external)


Policy Statement

Durham Technical Community College provides eligible employees with paid child involvement leave to encourage involvement in activities that support education and local schools.


Durham Technical Community College (Durham Tech) grants eight (8) hours of paid child involvement leave to permanent full-time employees each calendar year. Temporary employees and employees who work fewer than thirty (30) hours per week are not eligible for paid child involvement leave.

The eight (8) hours of child involvement leave will be credited to current employees on January 1 of each year and will be reflected in the Employee Leave System. New employees will be credited immediately upon their employment.
Employees may use child involvement leave for the following:

  • Meetings with teachers or administrators of any elementary, middle, or high school; or child-care program authorized to operate under local or state laws concerning the employee's child/children
  • Functions (in-person or virtual) sponsored by a school or childcare program in which an employee’s child/children are participating; or
  • Volunteer/unpaid work for/with a school, child-care program, or non-profit or 501(c)(3) status organization whose primary mission is related to education.

Employees must request child involvement leave via the Employee Leave System and gain approval prior to commencing leave.

Unused child involvement hours are not cumulative and will be forfeited (i.e., it will not carry over to the next calendar year). Employees are not entitled to payment for child involvement leave upon separation from the College.


Child/Children – For the purposes of this policy, “child/children” refers to any of the following: biological, adopted, foster, or step- child/children; legal ward(s); a child/children of an employee standing in loco parentis; a child/children from an in-law relationship; or any child/children for whom an employee has custody.

In loco parentis – In the place of a parent

Working Days – Days when the College is open and operating under a normal schedule. This excludes weekends, closings due to adverse conditions, and holidays.