Pride in Our Collection

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June is LGBTQIA+ P R I D E Month! As President Joe Biden states in this year's Pride month proclamation: This month, we honor the resilience of LGBTQI+ people, who are fighting to live authentically and freely. We reaffirm our belief that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights. As we celebrate and honor members of the LGBTQIA+ community and the work of activists, we recognize the hard-fought achievements of the past and the urgency of supporting LGBTQIA+ rights today. Read on to learn more about Pride

New Dr. Phail Wynn Jr. Collection Books

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2022 marks the 15th year of the Dr. Phail Wynn Jr. Collection at Durham Tech Library's Main Campus. After retiring, Dr. Phail Wynn Jr., president of Durham Tech from 1980 to 2007, made a great investment in Durham Tech Libraries to create a new, special collection: The Dr. Phail Wynn Jr. Collection. The Dr. Phail Wynn Jr. Collection touches upon social responsibility and civic engagement, including topics such as ecology and environmental studies, fighting poverty, cultural awareness

Durham Tech Wants You to READ THIS BOOK

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A few months ago, we asked the Durham Tech community to share books that they thought would be important for their colleagues or peers to read. The end of the semester is here, so now's the time for a big reveal! Click through to see what books people recommended. Links for access are in the captions. Choices have not been edited-- these are books that have been read and suggested through the Hey! Read this Book Library Blog post and through emails sent in March 2022 to students, faculty, and

Yellow Books for the Annual Pollening

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It's that time of year again. You know what I mean. Since we can't avoid it (unless we never leave the house) or control it, we may as well accept it and cope as best we can with itchy eyes, stuffy noses, and a dream of the few perfect days before the humidity settles in our bones. Here are some blonde books to read outside (after taking your allergy meds) to soak up the spring weather with canary covers to hide the pollen. Click on the link in the caption to access

New Books at Main Campus: Read about Recipes, Engaging Students, & More!

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Library staff were so pleased to see Altarius Moody in The New York Times boosting Durham Tech's Culinary Arts Program. To celebrate Durham Tech's appearance in national culinary news, this week we've highlighted a few of our excellent new recipe books available for checkout. (Psst, did you know we have a terrific research guide for Culinary Arts if you need to brush up on some cooking techniques? It has videos, the history of specific ingredients, and other culinary resources!) Don't forget to

New Year, New Books on the Shelf at OCC

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Check out what's new on the shelf at the Orange County Campus Library! We've got history, a little mystery, some memoir, cookbooks, and jellyfish! And more! A little nonfiction for ya'-- A few awesome cookbooks-- And don't forget to check out our new fiction-- Want to check out one or more of these books? Come on over to the Orange County Campus Library during librarian-available hours (see our library homepage for details or reach out to Orange County Campus Librarian Meredith Lewis at lewisma

Pictures Books for Everyone!: A book with pictures

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Only 53 days left to complete both the 2021 Read Great Things Challenge and the 2021 Reading SPRINT! While your SPRINT books don't count towards your Read Great Things 2021 Challenge completion, you can definitely complete both challenges. Or just one. Or neither. Either way, you're still welcome to come join us in December for our bookish celebration. One of our favorite* categories in the 2021 Read Great Things Challenge is A book with pictures. Pictures are for everyone! Click through for

N.E.W. at O.C.C. for F.A.L.L.

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New season, new books for you to check out from the Orange County Campus Library! Fiction Put a hold on a book to pick up at the Main Campus or Northern Durham Center or stop by the Orange County Campus in Hillsborough to pick it up and see what else is on the shelves. (And say, "Hi." It's nice to see folks.) Want to put a hold on a book in the Orange County Campus collection to either pick up at OCC or at the Main Campus Library? If you already have a Durham Tech Library account and would like

Disability Pride Month

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July is Disability Pride Month! We can celebrate by learning about the Disability Rights Movement, fighting ableism* wherever it is found, and lifting disabled voices. If you haven't heard of Disability Pride Month before you can read about the origin and meaning in this article. We can spend the last few days of the month (and beyond, don't let the calendar determine your intersectional education!) reading and learning about disabled experiences, disability advocacy, as well as enjoying stories

Cool Reads for Hot Weather: Durham Tech Summer Reads

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Are you curious about what Durham Tech faculty and staff have been reading and loving over the summer? Click through for some favorites from this summer (and how to get a copy for yourself through the Durham Tech Library). And a few recent favorites from President JB Buxton (all available in the Durham Tech Main Campus Library): Want to make your reading "count" for something other than your own personal education and/or enjoyment and get some sweet Durham Tech Library swag in December? Check