We found 1068 results matching your search criteria.
Full Name Title Email Phone Office
Mark Feskanich BLET Instructor (P/T)
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
feskanichm@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Camellia Fleming Mathematics Teacher
Middle College High School
flemingc@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x1204 Newton (Building 4)
Room 108
Jennifer Fletcher Fire Protection Inst (P/T)
Fire Prot & Emergency Mgnt
fletcherj@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Marie Fogarty Instructor, Biology
fogartym@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x8200 Collins (Building 2)
Room 131
Daniel Folger E M S Instructor I V
Emergency Medical Services
folgerd@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) Code No Longer Used (see Oc01)
Room 108
Nadine Ford Director
Financial Aid & Vet. Services
fordn@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x1510 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 210G
Esther Foster Adjunct Instructor, ESL
English As a Second Language
fostere@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Adam Foster Instructor
Welding Technology Program
fostera@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x8138 Bacon (Building 20)
Room 120
Mary Foust Adjunct Instructor, ESL
English As a Second Language
foustm@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Kristen Fowler Instructor, Geology (P/T)
fowlerk@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Sebastian Frances franceso6436@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Timarie Franco francot@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Natalie Franklin Instr, Dvl Math (p/T)
Center for Academic Excellence
franklinn@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Steven Franklin Instructor, Chemistry (P/T)
franklins@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Virginia Freedman freedmanv@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Anna Freeman Peer Tutor
Center for Academic Excellence
freemana2@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Arthur Freeman Instructor, Massage
Massage Therapy Program
arthur.freeman@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x4419 Duke St North
Room 559D
David Frey BLET Instructor (P/T)
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
freyd@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Jordan Fulchiero Cafe Manager / Exec Chef
Purchasing & Aux. Services
fulchieroj@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x8170 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 102D
Marshall Fuller Dir, Facility Svces/Construc
Facility Services
fullerm@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x6206 Facilities (Building 7)
Room 102
Jacqueline Futrell Instructor (P/T)
Adult Basic Education Program
futrellj@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
John Gabbard Law Enforcement Ext Inst P/T
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
gabbardj@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Kristen Gagne gagnek@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Autumn Gallegos Tutor (P/T)
Center for Academic Excellence
gallegosa@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Rudy Garcia garciar@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Cesar Garcia Law Enforcement Ext Inst P/T
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
garciac@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Lorenna Garcia-Bochas Tutor, Science (P/T)
Center for Academic Excellence
garciabochasl@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Mauricio Garcia-Vargas Chair/Instructor
Foreign Languages
garciavargasm@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x8034 Phillips (Building 3)
Room 105D
Brooks Gardner BLET Instructor (P/T)
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
gardnerb@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Dennis Garrett garrettd0120@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Lyvon Garth Instr, Networking (P/T)
Cybersecurity, Net & Supp Prog
garthl@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Windy Gaskill Student Accounts Specialist
Student Accounts
gaskillw@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x1006 White (Building 1)
Room 159A
Tondelaya George Instructor, English (P/T)
English and Communications
georget@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Andrei George Sr HR Generalist
Human Resources
georgea@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x5105 White (Building 1)
Room 160B
Abel George Security Officer
georgea2@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x5555 Building 8
Room 103
Kevin Geyer geyerk8514@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Anita Ghajar-Selim Prof Tutor, EAP (P/T)
English for Academic Purp/Ce
ghajar-selima@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x4053 White (Building 1)
Room 148E
Maryam Ghanbari Instr, Mathematics (P/T)
Math, Engineering and Physics
ghanbarim@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Kathryn Giggey giggeyk7523@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x1405 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 209F
Nicole Gill Law Enforcement Ext Inst P/T
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
gilln@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Flavio Giovanetti de Albuquerque Chair / Instructor, Engineerin
Math, Engineering and Physics
giovanettidealbuquerquef@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x8045 Ingram (Building 11)
Room 227
Benjamin Glover CE Instructor, CJC
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
gloverb@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Karim Glover Coord, Mobile Optical Servic
Opticianry Program
gloverk4213@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x8099 White (Building 1)
Room 134B
Paul Godwin godwinp@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Jesus Gomez-Cespedes Program Specialist
Center for the Global Learner
gomez-cespedesj@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x3227
Constanza Gomez-Joines Executive Director, C G L
Center for the Global Learner
gomezc@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x4051 White (Building 1)
Room 139
Rodney Gooch Jr Security Officer (P/T)
goochr2863@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Okoye Gordon Security Officer
gordono@durhamtech.edu(link sends email) 919-536-7200 x5555 Building 8
Room 103
George Goularte Respiratory Therapy Inst (PT)
Respiratory Therapy Program
goularteg@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)
Melanie Gouzoules Instructor, Biology (P/T)
gouzoulesm@durhamtech.edu(link sends email)