We found 1067 results matching your search criteria.
Full Name Title Email Phone Office
Paola Kiprovski Program Specialist
Center for Workforce Engagemen
kiprovskip@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4505 DurhamTech atThe Chesterfield
Room 2400
Lesley Kirkman Law Enforcement Ext Inst P/T
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
kirkmanl@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4401 Northern Durham Center, Bldg 1
Room 122A
Andrew Kleitsch VP, Chief Financial Officer
Finance and Admin. Svcs.
kleitscha@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1001 White (Building 1)
Room 159B
Curtis Knight BLET Instructor (P/T)
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Adrian Knight Librarian, Reference
knighta@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1607 ERC (Building 5)
Room 208A
Danielle Knockum Coor/Instr, Esthetician Prog
Esthetics Program
knockumd@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4407 Duke St North
Room 559I
Carlton Koonce Acad Adv / Inst, College Suc
Advising Services
kooncec@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1815 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 200E
Irene Koonz koonzi@durhamtech.edu
Sy'ara Kornegay kornegays@durhamtech.edu
Adam Kraciuk Instructor, Biology (P/T)
Jaclyn Krohn Executive Director
Orange County Services
krohnj@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4202 Orange County Campus
Room 101C
Christine Krug Adjunct Instructor, ESL
English As a Second Language
Kathy Krug Adjunct Instructor, ESL
English As a Second Language
Kevin Kulp Web Technologies Instructor
Computer Information Tech
Ellen Kunda Line Cook / Prep Cook
Finance and Admin. Svcs.
Britta Kunzer Accountant (grants)
Accounting Services
kunzerb@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1002 White (Building 1)
Room 159K
Jennifer Kusnyer ESL Test Administrator
English As a Second Language
Glen Labar Instructor I I I (P/T)
Emergency Med Science Prog
Thais Laguna Cardenas lagunacardenast@durhamtech.edu
Karylee Laird Inst, Architect Techn (P/T)
Architectural Technology Prog
Joy Lalush Instructor (P/T)
English for Academic Purp/Ce
Jill Lamb Instructor (P/T)
English for Academic Purp/Ce
Michelle Lamb Acad Adv / Inst, College Suc
Advising Services
lambm@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1106 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 200B
James Landy Instr, Mathematics (P/T)
Math, Engineering and Physics
Shawanda Lang Instr, Non-Credit (P/T)
Nurse Aide Program
James Lanza-Church HRD Instructor (P/T)
Continuing Education Programs
Benjamin Lapham laphamb@durhamtech.edu
Susan Lauber laubers@durhamtech.edu
Suzanne Laudadio Director / Instructor
Accounting Program
laudadios@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8067 White (Building 1)
Room 129A
Michael Law Fire Service Ext Inst (P/T)
Fire Prot & Emergency Mgnt
Joshua Lawrence CE Instructor, EMS
Emergency Med Science Prog
Kevin Lawrence Success Coach
Health and Wellness
lawrencek@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8141 Room 9-234A
Richard Lawrence Director / Instructor
Architectural Technology Prog
lawrencer@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8143 Ingram (Building 11)
Room 224
Joe LePage Utility Technician
Facility Services
Steven Leadon Instructor, Biology (P/T)
leadons@durhamtech.edu Collins (Building 2)
Tjomas Leal Part-time CSP Instructor
Continuing Education Programs
Al Leaston Assist Dean , B&E, IT
Business and Entrepreneurship
leastonj@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4314 Ingram (Building 11)
Room 236
Margaret Leatherberry Administrative Assistant
Continuing Education Programs
leatherberrym@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1409 Wynn (Building 10)
Room 210K
Adia Ledbetter Instructor, Music (P/T)
Humanities and Fine Arts
Jackson Lee leejk@durhamtech.edu
Lance Lee Instructor, Spanish (P/T)
Foreign Languages
leej@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8187 Phillips (Building 3)
Room 102
Moriah Lefebvre Instructor, Art (P/T)
Humanities and Fine Arts
Yamilet Leiva Gonzalez Housekeeping Lead
leivagonzalezy5364@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x6205 Facilities (Building 7)
Room 107
Kashama Leo-Henry Instructor
Early Childhood Education Prog
leohenryk@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x8115 Building 8
Room K101
Meredith Lewis Librarian, Reference , O C C
lewisma@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x4211 Orange County Campus
Nicklaus Lewis Instructor, College Success
Creative and Liberal Arts
lewisn@durhamtech.edu 919-536-7200 x1110 Phillips (Building 3)
Room 218
Jordan Lewis-Outlaw lewisoutlawj@durhamtech.edu
Erma Lewis-Wills Exceptional Children Resource Teacher
Middle College High School
erma.lewis-wills@dpsnc.net 919-536-7200 x1206 Newton (Building 4)
Room 134
Aaron Ligo CE Instructor, CJC
Criminal Justice & Law Enforce
Robert Lincoln Adjunct, Industrial Trades
Construction Trades Programs