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We found 1186 courses matching your search criteria.
CJC-5020AW Veteran Crisis Intervention Training
Encounters between first responders and veterans in crisis can be extremely dangerous and event deadly-for the first res ponders or for the veteran in crisis. Oftentimes veterans will only talk to another veteran during a crisis from a sense of commonality. Veteran Crisis Intervention Training teaches military veteran first res ponders, who are also CIT trained, how to effectively and peacefully resolve incidents involving a veteran in crisis. Officers learn to leverage their law enforcement training and their shared military experiences to deescalate the event and prevent violence. Emphasis is placed on connecting veterans with locally available resources designed to improve the health and well-being of the veteran, limiting unnecessary incarceration rates, and establishing a network of officers trained to respond to a veteran in crisis.
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CJC-5020AX Urban Sniper Sustainment
To enhance law enforcement capabilities for sniper operations in urban environments.
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CJC-5020AY Crowd Management
To familiarize the student with the psychological aspects of crowds and present procedures used by law enforcement officers to control crowds, demonstrations, and civil disorders.
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CJC-5020AZ Detention Mental Health Training
This course is designed for Detention and Jail Officers working with subjects that are experiencing a mental health crisis while incarcerated. This course is modeled from the current Crisis Intervention Team Training
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CJC-5020BA L. E. Sniper Course
This course is designed for individuals assigned to the role of a precision marksman utilizing an optically assisted high-power rifle. To provide the information and skills necessary for a law enforcement officer assigned to the duties of sniper/counter sniper to effectively and efficiently fulfill those duties.
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CJC-5020BB Critical Mindset
Students will learn the importance of communication in critical incidents and how bad communication practices can make an incident even worse or get an officer killed. Students will learn that it is very important in stressful situations that critical thinking is very important and could result in a manner of life or death.
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CJC-5020BC Counter Ambush on LE
The purpose of this course is to prepare officers for possible counter ambush attacks on law enforcement. Students will learn how to recognize possible threats, respond to and/or evacuate from ambushes.
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CJC-5020BD Back to Basics
Back to Basics (B2B) is a 3 day fundamental firearms course. The course is designed to provide a solid foundation for the shooter to build upon after successful completion. Back to Basics uses a unique teaching approach to the struggling shooter which enhances understanding of the weapon, their own capabilities and shooting skill. B2B gives the student new understandings of front sight focus, mental aspect, stance and trigger manipulation
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CJC-5020BE Managing the Media
This course is designed to provide law enforcement administrators with the necessary skills to effectively communicate with the media.
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CJC-5020BF Field Force Operations
The three-day Field Force Operations (FFO) course provides law enforcement and security officers with instruction in protest types and actions, legal considerations, responsibilities of mobile field force teams, and crowd-control methods. The course culminates with a series of hands-on activities that allow responders to practice all of the learned skills (baton-holding positions, mass-arrest procedures, and riot-control formations) in a realistic context.
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CJC-5020BG So-Lo Active Shooter Course
This course will allow certified law enforcement officers to understand how to enter, strategize and maneuver by themselves during an active shooter situation. Will provide certified law enforcement officers with the training needed to respond to an active killer situation in a public or private venue.
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CJC-5020BH Crisis Intervention
This course introduces critical incident intervention and management techniques as they apply to operational criminal justice practitioners. Emphasis is placed on the victim/offender situation as well as job-related high stress, dangerous, or problem-solving citizen contacts. Upon completion, students should be able to provide insightful analysis of emotional, violent, drug-induced, and other critical and/or stressful incidents that require field analysis and/or resolution.
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CJC-5020BJ CIT Support Training for 911
Call-takers can play a vital role by connecting individuals to crisis lines and other behavioral health care services, rather than police services, and/or by providing CIT officers with the information needed for a safe, effective response. This 16-hour course of instruction is delivered in two eight-hour sessions conducted on consecutive days. The instruction prepares the 911call-taker to identify the possibility of the call being mental health related, utilize techniques to reduce the emotional level of the caller, and triage the call to dispatch appropriate services or complete a warm handoff to crisis services. If it is determined to dispatch CIT patrol officers, this training will assist in understanding what information should be gathered and relayed to the responding officer. Scenario-based training based on actual mental health related calls for service is also included to allow the attendees to practice the skills and provide further discussion.
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CJC-5020BK Risk Management for Officers
This course helps students to understand law enforcement related risk management topics that could include: use of force, truthfulness in serving, and other high risk high liability areas of law enforcement.
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CJC-5020C Intervention Team Training
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to tactical preparation or response activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to Situational Shooting Techniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimes in Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices, Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons and Procedures, Diversionary Tactics & Distraction Devices, Subject Control, Critical Incident Management, Firearms for Private Protective Services, Responding to Civil Disorders, Chemical Munitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, Special Weapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High Area Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Rapid Deployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, Armed Prisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, Diver Certification Training for Law Enforcement, and Tactical Response for SWAT Medics. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5020D Spanish for Law Enforcement
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to tactical preparation or response activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to Situational Shooting Techniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimes in Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices, Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons and Procedures, Diversionary Tactics & Distraction Devices, Subject Control, Critical Incident Management, Firearms for Private Protective Services, Responding to Civil Disorders, Chemical Munitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, Special Weapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High Area Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Rapid Deployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, Armed Prisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, Diver Certification Training for Law Enforcement, and Tactical Response for SWAT Medics. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5020E Law Enf CONED/ CPR Recert
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to tactical preparation or response activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to Situational Shooting Techniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimes in Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices, Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons and Procedures, Diversionary Tactics & Distraction Devices, Subject Control, Critical Incident Management, Firearms for Private Protective Services, Responding to Civil Disorders, Chemical Munitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, Special Weapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High Area Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Rapid Deployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, Armed Prisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, Diver Certification Training for Law Enforcement, and Tactical Response for SWAT Medics. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5020I Hazmat Tech for Law Enf.
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to tactical preparation or response activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to Situational Shooting Techniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimes in Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices, Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons and Procedures, Diversionary Tactics & Distraction Devices, Subject Control, Critical Incident Management, Firearms for Private Protective Services, Responding to Civil Disorders, Chemical Munitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, Special Weapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High Area Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Rapid Deployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, Armed Prisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, Diver Certification Training for Law Enforcement, and Tactical Response for SWAT Medics. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5020U Law Enf Coned/PLI Update
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to tactical preparation or response activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to Situational Shooting Techniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimes in Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices, Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons and Procedures, Diversionary Tactics & Distraction Devices, Subject Control, Critical Incident Management, Firearms for Private Protective Services, Responding to Civil Disorders, Chemical Munitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, Special Weapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High Area Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Rapid Deployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, Armed Prisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, Diver Certification Training for Law Enforcement, and Tactical Response for SWAT Medics. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5020W Law Enf Coned/Rapid Deployment
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to tactical preparation or response activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to Situational Shooting Techniques, Officer Survival, Responding to Crimes in Progress, Electrical and Hazardous Devices, Domestic Violence Intervention, Impact Weapons and Procedures, Diversionary Tactics & Distraction Devices, Subject Control, Critical Incident Management, Firearms for Private Protective Services, Responding to Civil Disorders, Chemical Munitions, High Risk Entry Techniques, Special Weapons and Tactics, Sniper Training, High Area Protection, Tracking, Search and Rescue, Rapid Deployment, Rappelling, Ballistic Shields, Armed Prisoner Transport, Cell Extraction, Diver Certification Training for Law Enforcement, and Tactical Response for SWAT Medics. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5025B Professional Communication
This course is designed to provide training in topics related to written, verbal, non-verbal or electronic communication activities. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, report writing and note taking, case preparation, and interpersonal communications.
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CJC-5025C Verbal Judo
This course is designed to provide training in all topics directly related to written, verbal, non-verbal or electronic communication activities. Course topics may include but are not limited to report writing and notetaking, case preparation, courtroom demeanor and testimony, verbal judo, and interpersonal communications. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-5025F De-Escalation & Use of Force
This course is IADLEST certified as part of the National Certification Program. Upon passing the course requirements attendees shall receive credit towards the NCJA Professional Certificate Program and other NCJA Certificate Programs. Attendees are encouraged to bring duty gear and training sidearm for course scenarios. This course provides research backed techniques to gain compliance or use force. Subject matter also includes how to document your actions to include pre-assaultive behaviors, key terms to use when writing your use of force report, and scenario training.
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CJC-5040A Reality-Based Instructor Development
This course was designed to teach instructors/trainers, supervisors, and administrators how to Train in Context utilizing scenario-based training as a strategy within the greater context of reality-based training. With respect to this instructional strategy,Contextual training for police officers highlights the right habits of doing and thinking under conditions that mimic real-world situations and those habits are repeated to the point that they are those of the finished skills necessary to properly perform the police function. ~ adapted from Dr. Charles A. Prosser Once completed, the participant will know how to create and design individualized and group training modules based on real-world conditions and utilizing a variety of training tools and techniques to produce outcomes that are consistent with Federal and State law, agency policy, and law enforcement best practices.
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CJC-5040B Firing Range Medical Training
The information in this course is not intended to provide comprehensive medical training or to replace such training. Techniques and practices discussed in this course are subject to local regulation and control and should not override department policies and procedures. The course presents tactical medicine material that may conflict with conventional civilian emergency medical services (EMS) practices. This information is specially designed for law enforcement officers who will be the first responders to situations that require balancing both tactical and medical issues.
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CJC-5045A Procedural Justice
This course is designed to provide training in topics directly related to community relations activities. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, cultural diversity, community relations, community oriented policing, crime prevention, victimology, School Resource Officer, Public Information Officer, and working with non-English speaking populations and communities.
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CJC-5045B Safer Communities Training
Safer Communities Training is designed as a community engagement course composed of multiple presenters and current topics to help close the gap between law enforcement and the community.
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CJC-5060A Canine Medical for Handlers
The course focuses on teaching handlers how to provide combat medicine to our dogs, stop arterial bleeds, patch wounds, set broken limbs, deal with gastro-related illness, provide care for heat related illness, etc.
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CJC-5065A Domestic Terrorism
This course is designed to provide training in topics related to the prevention of or response to acts of domestic or foreign terrorism and natural disaster events. Course topics may include, but are not limited to, fundamentals of radiological monitors, fundamentals for radiological response teams, emergency response to terrorism, hazard communication for field employees and SLAT training.