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We found 1186 courses matching your search criteria.
COD-3101A Law and Administration (for NC Code Enforcement Officials
This course is designed to provide a basic understanding of the governmental and legal system with which every code enforcement official works. In addition, with the successful completion of the course and others specified by the NC Code Officials Qualification Board, course participants are eligible to take the state examination for inspector certification. The required textbooks are available from the NC Department of Insurance (919-661-5880, ext. 240). Allow at least three weeks for textbook delivery. 16 hours.
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COD-3120A Fire Prevention Standard Inspec Lev 1 Level I
This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills for basic fire prevention code enforcement. This course follows the guidelines set by the North Carolina Code Officials Qualification Board. Lecture, demonstration, and skills evaluation are the principal methods of instruction. Specific training areas include: rules of building code enforcement, fire code as it relates to other building codes, use of the fire prevention code, and technical provisions. Prerequisite none.
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COD-3121A Fire Prev Standard Inspection Level II Level II
This certification-related course is designed for the education and training of the Fire Prevention Level II code enforcement official who has the responsibility of inspecting existing buildings, excluding high-rise, in the following occupancy classifications: business, small assembly, large assembly, mercantile, residential, storage, educational, and industrial. Upon completion, course participants will have a better understanding of the NC Fire Prevention Code and will be able to apply the Code in the inspection field. In addition, with the successful completion of this course and the Law and Administration course in conjunction with other education and experience requirements specified by the NC Code Officials Qualification Board, course participants will be eligible to take the Fire Prevention Level II state examination for inspector certification.
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COD-3199B Code Enforcement CE
This certification-related course is designed to meet continuing education training requirements for individuals with an active certification as a NC Code Enforcement Official. Courses must meet continuing education standards set by the Code Officials Qualification Board and administered by the Engineering and Codes Division of the NC Department of Insurance/Office of State Fire Marshal.
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COM-120 Introduction to Interpersonal Communication
This course introduces the practices and principles of interpersonal communication in both dyadic and group settings. Emphasis is placed on the communication process, perception, listening, self-disclosure, speech apprehension, ethics, nonverbal communication, conflict, power, and dysfunctional communication relationships. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate interpersonal communication skills, apply basic principles of group discussion, and manage conflict in interpersonal communication situations.
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COM-150 Introduction to Mass Communication
This course introduces print and electronic media and the new information technologies in terms of communication theory and as economic, political, and social institutions. Topics include the nature, history, functions, and responsibilities of mass communication industries in a global environment and their role and impact in American society. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate awareness of the pervasive nature of mass media and how media operate in an advanced post-industrial society. This course is approved for the Global Distinction Program.
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COM-231 Public Speaking
This course provides instruction and experience in preparation and delivery of speeches within a public setting and group discussion. Emphasis is placed on research, preparation, delivery, and evaluation of informative, persuasive, and special occasion public speaking. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare and deliver well-organized speeches and participate in group discussion with appropriate audiovisual support.
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COM-3709L American Sign Language I
This beginning ASL course is for students with little or no background with the language. Students will develop basic expressive and receptive skills to communicate about themselves, their families, likes and dislikes, and daily activities. Students will also develop their understanding of Deafness and Deaf culture.
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COM-3709M American Sign Language II
This second course in the ASL series builds on knowledge from ASL I to further develop students' abilities to communicate in ASL. Students will be able to discuss topics of daily life and routines in more detail and ask and answer simple questions. Students will continue to develop their understanding of Deafness and Deaf culture.
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If you need to improve your listening and speaking scores for the TOEFL iBT exam, this is your chance. The TOEFL Internet Based Test (iBT) preparation class is an intensive English skills development course, which focuses on teaching standardized test taking strategies for the TOEFL iBT while strengthening the main skills of English learning: reading, listening, speaking and writing. Though the intent and focus of the course is specifically aimed at enhancing TOEFL students' iBT scores, the material covered in class will fine-tune any student's English communication for use in academic and professional settings. Required Textbook: Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT (Advanced), Moraig Macgillivray, Patrick Yancey, Casey Malarcher, Jeff Zeter, Second Edition, Compass Publishing ISBN 9781599665191.
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COM-3711BB Conversation Workshop I
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.
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COM-3711BC Conversation Workshop II
Are you ready to practice your speaking/listening skills in a fun, student-centered and content based language class? In this lower-intermediate course you will focus on improving your spoken English and active listening skills through communicative activities, like role plays, dialogues, interviews, real-life situations, class discussions, and games in academic, professional and social contexts.
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COM-3711BD Current Events
Would you like to understand and be able to discuss what is going on in the world while improving your English language skills? This content-based course for intermediate or advanced students will use authentic news materials to improve your English speaking, listening, reading and writing skills and develop your vocabulary.
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COM-3711BG Advanced Business Topics
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.
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COM-3711BH TOEFL Reading/writing I
If you need to improve your reading and writing score for the TOEFL iBT exam, this is your chance. This advanced-level course is designed to provide extensive skill building practice in reading and writing for students preparing for the TOEFL iBT test. Besides general test-taking strategies, classes will focus on improving your ability to paraphrase and to skim and scan reading passages and use other reading strategies for comprehension. You will also learn how to organize your ideas and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to become a better writer.
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COM-3711BI TOEFL Reading/writing II
If you need to improve your reading and writing score for the TOEFL iBT exam, this is your chance. This advanced-level course is designed to provide extensive skill building practice in reading and writing for students preparing for the TOEFL iBT test. Besides general test-taking strategies, classes will focus on improving your ability to paraphrase and to skim and scan reading passages and use other reading strategies for comprehension. You will also learn how to organize your ideas and use appropriate vocabulary and grammar to become a better writer. 20 hours $75 Students are required to have the textbook on the first day of class. Required Textbook: Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT (Advanced), Moraig Macgillivray, Patrick Yancey, Casey Malarcher, Jeff Zeter, Second Edition, Compass Publishing ISBN 9781599665191
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COM-3711BJ TOEFL Listening/Speaking I
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.
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COM-3711BK TOEFL Listening/Speaking II
If you need to improve your listening and speaking score for the TOEFL iBT exam, this is your chance. This advanced-level course is designed to provide extensive skill building practice in listening and speaking for students preparing for the TOEFL iBT test. Classes will focus on improving your ability to take notes on listening passages with accuracy and you will learn how to use appropriate vocabulary, grammar and clear pronunciation while responding to specific topics. 20 hours $75 Students are required to have the textbook on the first day of class. Required Textbook: Mastering Skills for the TOEFL iBT (Advanced), Moraig Macgillivray, Patrick Yancey, Casey Malarcher, Jeff Zeter, Second Edition, Compass Publishing ISBN 9781599665191
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COM-3711BL Communicative Grammar I
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.
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COM-3711BM Communicative Grammar II
Do you feel like that after so many English grammar classes you still don't use those grammar structures correctly and consistently? Finally, this is a course that can help you with that. Communicative Grammar I is an intermediate-level course where English grammar is taught through communicative activities. The student-centered classes will help you learn in creative and meaningful ways using role plays, dialogues, debates and games. Communicative Grammar II is part of a 2-part series. Communicative Grammar I is not a prerequisite for Communicative Grammar II. Either course can be taken independently. 20 hours $75 Students are required to have the textbook on the first day of class. Required Textbook: Focus on Grammar 3, Irene E. Schoenberg, Jay Maurer, Marjorie Fuchs, Margaret Bonner, and Miriam Westheimer, Fifth Edition, Pearson Longman ISBN 9780134583297
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COM-3711BN Academic Vocabulary I
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.
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COM-3711BO Academic Vocabulary II
If your goal is to read academic texts and to write academic essays and papers, this advanced-level course is what you need. Learning the most frequently used academic words in English will, not only improve your ability to understand text books and university level lectures, but also help you achieve higher scores on tests like TOEFL iBT, IELTS, SAT, GMAT or GRE. Through repeated exposure and by using vocabulary learning strategies you will be exposed to materials containing the most frequently used English academic words. Academic Vocabulary I and Academic Vocabulary II are two modules containing different vocabulary items and content. Vocabulary I is not a prerequisite for Vocabulary II. Either course can be taken independently. 20 hours $75 Students are required to have the textbook on the first day of class. Required Textbook: Focus on Vocabulary 1, Diane Schmitt, Norbert Schmitt, David Mann ISBN 978013137619
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COM-3711BR Advanced Academic Vocabulary
If your goal is to read academic texts and to write academic essays and papers, this advanced-level course is what you need. Learning the most frequently used academic words in English will, not only improve your ability to understand textbooks and university-level lectures, but it will also help you achieve higher scores on tests like TOEFL iBT, IELTS, SAT, GMAT, or GRE. Through repeated exposure and by using vocabulary learning strategies, you will be exposed to materials containing the most frequently used English academic words.
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COM-3711BU Everyday Pronunciation
This pronunciation course offers a communicative approach to give students the tools, tips and techniques they need to speak clearly, accurately and fluently. Students will learn rules of pronunciation of the level target points, participate in focused listening and speaking tasks and complete various assignments centered on every-day and high-interest topics to apply knowledge of pronunciation. All aspects of pronunciation are included - consonants, vowels, stress, rhythm and intonation. Everyday Pronunciation I is not a prerequisite for Everyday Pronunciation II. Either course can be taken independently. The course is designed for intermediate levels of students. Required Textbook: Well Said: Pronunciation for Clear Communication 3rd edition, Linda Grant ISBN 1424006252
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COM-3711BW English for Social Sciences
This content-based course is designed to help ADVANCED level students develop their academic reading, writing, listening and speaking skills while building content knowledge in the field of social sciences. Students will participate in class discussions, debates, teamwork and individual and group presentations. Content topics include psychology, sociology, political science, linguistics, law, history, geography, communication studies, economics, education and anthropology.
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COM-3711BX English in the 21st Century
English in the 21st Century Workplace. The dynamic technological advancement, globalization and fast-paced environment have significantly changed the 21st century workplace, presenting new challenges for the workforce. Although developing English language skills of non-native speakers of English is central to effective communication, language development is also imperative to expand employees' soft skill-sets and new ways of thinking to promote success and advancement within the working environment. This course fully integrates English language skills, such as reading, writing, speaking and listening with the content focused on 21st century job skills. Through 8 thematic modules, communication and social skills, critical thinking, decision making and problem solving, collaboration and team work, information and media literacy, creativity and innovation, productivity, technology and internet etiquette, and leadership, the course introduces, develops and reinforces English language skills so that the participants can increase their efficiency at work and can become competitive in a changing job market.
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COM-3711CA Intercultural Communication
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.
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COM-3711CC Conversation and Pronunciation
There is no better way to practice and improve your pronunciation and fluency than using the language in a student-centered environment. This course is designed to improve clarity, accuracy, and understanding of spoken English and to increase self-confidence while communicating in English about various topics. Emphasis will be on fluency, comprehension, vocabulary and the different aspects of pronunciation. The course is designed for all levels of students.
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COM-3711CD US Culture and History
This content-based language course developed for non-native speakers of English will focus on American history, politics and culture from pre-colonial eras through the Civil War and until the 20th Century. Students will examine how U.S. history relates to contemporary life in the United States. When appropriate, the class will compare events in the USA to events in other countries. The course will use a variety of texts, including articles from newspapers, magazines, and other media sources. A reading assignment will be required for each class. Students will write research papers and use conversational skills in small groups. From time to time, controversial topics will be debated. There is no prerequisite class for this course; however, students are expected to demonstrate an advanced level in reading comprehension, and verbal expression.
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COM-3711CE Advanced Grammar and Editing
This course is designed for instructional areas related to interpersonal skills for the workplace: 1) dealing with conflict, 2) improving conversational and listening skills, 3) grammar, 4) reading skills, 5) writing skills 7) team communication and 6) identifying nonverbal cues in an intercultural setting.