A Valuable Online Resource: Statistical Abstracts of the United States

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Did you know that Durham Tech students, faculty and staff can use Statistical Abstracts of the United States online? You might be familiar with the book version, which is published annually. Now, you can access the same information online via NC LIVE. Statistical Abstracts of the United States is presented as "the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political and economic conditions of the United States," according to ProQuest, who maintains the database. Though

New for November

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Here are some of the new books we have for check out. So, you know, check them out! [gallery columns="2" ids="1742,1743,1744,1745,1746,1747,1748,1749,1750,1751" orderby="rand"]

Books About Writing

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Now that NaNoWriMo has started, here are a few books at the library that can help get the creative juices flowing. Here are tips, tricks, and advice from writers of both fiction and nonfiction. No matter what you are writing about you can find help here. Good luck! [gallery type="slideshow" ids="1726,1727,1728,1729,1730,1725,1724,1721,1722,1723" orderby="rand"] Don't forget to add the Durham Tech Library as your writing buddy on Nanowrimo.org!

Ready for NaNoWriMo?

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November is known for Thanksgiving and the beginning of the holiday shopping season, but for writers it's known for something else. November is National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo), when people put their fingers to their keyboards and pound out 50,000 words in one month. That's about 1,667 words a day. You can do it, we believe in you! There are as many ways to write a novel as there are writers, but for those who would like to plot their novel before writing we've collected some resources

Don't Catch the Flu: Get Vaccinated!

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Every year, millions of people in the United States contract influenza ("the flu"). Hundreds of thousands of people are hospitalized for the flu each year and thousands die from it. You can help prevent the spread of this virus--and protect yourself from it--by getting a flu vaccine every year. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) say that all people aged six months and older need to get the vaccine. As a reference librarian, I come into contact with many people every day at work

Durham Tech Digital Archives

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There are lots of treasures to be discovered in Durham Tech's Digital Archives! The North Carolina Digital Heritage Center is a statewide digitization and digital publishing program housed in the North Carolina Collection at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. We have partnered with the Digital Heritage Center to digitize and publish Durham Tech's historic materials online. Click here to view more than 100 archived documents including yearbooks, newsletters, annual reports, and

Spooky Reads

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Are you in the mood to read something scary or supernatural for Halloween season? Check out some of these fun and spooky tales from the library! [gallery type="slideshow" link="none" ids="1655,1654,1653,1652,1651,1650,1649,1646,1647,1648" orderby="rand"]

New Books!

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October brings a new crop of books for your education and entertainment. Check them out now! [gallery link="none" type="slideshow" ids="1631,1632,1633,1634,1635,1636,1637,1638,1639,1640" orderby="rand"]

Banned Books Week... and why it matters

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Every year, the American Library Association, libraries, bookstores, and other groups and places "celebrate" Banned Books Week the last week in September. While people may object to books based on topic or personal taste, Banned Books Week at its core is about celebrating and promoting the right to read and discouraging blanket censorship of literature based on its subject-matter or presentation. To check out some books that are frequently challenged and why, see the library displays in the Main

Check Out Mars

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Today, NASA announced that they've found proof of liquid saltwater on Mars. It's an announcement that makes one day finding living microbes on the surface more likely than ever before. With the movie adaptation of The Martian by Andy Weir coming out soon it seems like a good time check out what science has to say about the red planet, and through fiction discover what our preoccupation with the red planet says about us. All of the books below are available to check out of the library. This list