What We're Reading Watching Wednesdays: The Great British Baking Show

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In a repeating series highlighting thematic reading opportunities around Durham Tech, here are some awesome cookbooks or cooking-related books to go along with your summer viewing of the greatest reality TV show of all time* The Great British Baking Show (starting June 16, Fridays starting at 9pm on PBS). All of these books and films are available on at least one Durham Tech Library campus. [gallery size="medium" link="none" ids="3355,3356,3357,3358,3359,3360,3361,3362,3363,3364,3365,3366,3367

World Oceans Day

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Today, June 8th, is World Oceans Day, which encourages protection and conservation of the oceans. "World Oceans Day is a global day of ocean celebration and collaboration for a better future." For resources and information visit the World Oceans Day website coordinated by The Ocean Project and sponsored by many aquariums and organizations around the world. You can join their mailing list, participate in actions and events, and join their social media campaign. http://www.worldoceansday.org/ Have

Happy retirement to Irene Laube!

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The library staff want to thank Irene Laube for her 27 years of service to Durham Tech Libraries. She began her career with the college as a part-time reference librarian in 1989, transitioned to Coordinator of Library Services, Director, and now retires, June 1, 2017 as Associate Dean. [caption id="attachment_3307" align="aligncenter" width="225"] Irene Laube, early 1990's staff photo[/caption] Irene has worked tirelessly throughout her career to build connections with faculty, staff, and

What We're Reading Watching Wednesdays: The Bachelorette

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
In a repeating series highlighting thematic reading opportunities around Durham Tech, here are some awesome romantic or love-related books to go along with your summer viewing of The Bachelorette ( Mondays at 8pm on ABC) Yay! All of these books and films are available on at least one Durham Tech Library campus. [gallery link="none" size="medium" ids="3280,3283,3284,3285,3288,3289,3290,3291,3293,3294,3295,3296,3297,3298,3300" orderby="rand"] As always, if you’re interested in a title or related

What We're Reading: We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves

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Title: We Are All Completely beside Ourselves Author: Karen Joy Fowler Genre: literary fiction Why did you choose to read this book? It won the 2014 PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction and received reviews that made it sound like I would enjoy it. What did you like about it? It was a pleasant read: engaging and not too long. It was easy to put down and pick up again where I left off. Told in the first person, the main character, Rosemary Cooke, is a good storyteller. She teases the reader with hints

MAYbe It's Time to Watch a Movie?

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⬆️See what I did there? I crack myself up! Check out (literally) our fresh film titles. If you have a library account, they're FREE.* [gallery link="none" size="medium" type="rectangular" ids="3248,3249,3250,3251,3252,3253,3254,3255,3256" orderby="rand"] *You can check anything out for free. It's awesome!

Fascinating Medical Memoirs

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The library has a display on the lower level of medical memoirs written from the perspective of patients, nurses, doctors, and health care workers. We also feature a few related DVDs as well. A few of these titles are at the Orange County campus. Just let us know if you want to have a title sent over to your campus. [gallery type="slideshow" ids="3215,3216,3217,3218,3219,3220,3221,3222,3223,3224,3225,3226,3227,3228,3229,3230,3231,3232,3233,3234,3235,3236,3237,3238,3239,3240" orderby="rand"]

Please Tell Us How We're Doing

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The staff of the Durham Tech libraries strive to keep the library relevant in the lives of students, faculty and staff. Think about all the resources and services the library provides--study space, reserves, books, DVDs, e-books, article databases, computers, expertise, etc.--and let us know what we are doing well and what we can do better! Are there services the library does not yet provide that we should? Are there some things we should stop doing? We want to hear from you. We have set up a

What We're Reading Wednesday: The Poetry Month Print-Your-Own-Bookmark Edition!

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
It's April, which means we've been reading poetry (or re-reading some of our favorites) for National Poetry Month! To help you keep track of your progress in books you're currently reading, the Durham Tech Library has created some coloring page bookmarks for you. Click on the images below to access the pdf of the coloring page bookmarks and print them out for yourself-- remember to print 2-sided short edge (which--side note--is also how you print an awesome brochure). We recommend using some