Undergraduate Research and Internships 

National Science Foundation

The National Science Foundation offers a number of summer research experiences for undergraduates. See the complete list on the National Science Foundation(link is external) website. Application deadlines vary.

Other Opportunities

More opportunities will be added. Check back frequently!

Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) program at NC State

The Center for Advanced Self-Powered Systems of Integrated Sensors and Technologies (ASSIST) program at NC State University is open to any student who is majoring in a science or engineering-related field. 10 weeks, $4,000 stipend. Learn more about the ASSIST program and how to apply(link is external).

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BeeMORE program at NC State

The BeeMORE program at NC State(link is external) is a summer research experience funded by the USDA - NIFA Research and Extension Experiential Learning for Undergraduates (REEU) Fellowships Program that focuses on microbiology and bee biology. 8 weeks, $500 per week stipend. The deadline to apply is Jan. 31, 2024.

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Biomedical Engineering in Simulations, Imaging, and Modeling (BME-SIM) Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

The BME-SIM summer program(link is external) is a summer program that focuses on the improvement of simulations and computational models across all disciplines of biomedical engineering. $6,000 stipend. 10 weeks.

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Biological Mechanisms Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE-REU) at UNC-Chapel Hill

The Summer Undergraduate Research Experience (SURE-REU)(link is external) Program in Biological Mechanisms at UNC-Chapel Hill provides talented undergraduate students the opportunity to carry out independent research projects under the guidance of faculty mentors to study a variety of approaches to mechanistic studies.

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Bruins-in-Genomics (B.I.G. Summer) at UCLA

Bruins-in-Genomics (B.I.G. Summer) is an 8-week, full-time immersion internship for undergraduates interested in research that involves the analysis and interpretation of biomedical and life sciences data. Students learn the cutting-edge research methods used by leading scientists to solve real-world problems. In addition to the introductory workshops in bioinformatics methods, B.I.G. Summer offers career development workshops, graduate school preparation, and networking opportunities for undergraduates interested in exploring careers in quantitative and computational biosciences. Selected participants receive a $4,800 stipend. Additional funds are also available for travel, and for conference attendance. B.I.G. Summer provides on-campus housing for selected, non-local students. An online option may also be available.

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Carolina Summer Fellowship (CSF) Program in Pharmacology

The Carolina Summer Fellowship (CSF) Program is a summer research program for undergraduate students sponsored by the Department of Pharmacology at UNC-Chapel Hill and supported in part by a SURF award from the American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET). The CSF Program is designed to give students planning a career in the biomedical sciences an opportunity to conduct research under the direction of a research pharmacologist and to gain knowledge and skills in scientific communication and networking.

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Computational and Data Science in Astrophysics at NC State

Computational and Data Science in Astrophysics(link is external) is a 10-week summer program designed to introduce students to computational physics and data science through original research projects in astrophysics. Applicants need to have completed PHY 251 and 252. CDSA especially welcomes applications from women and underrepresented minorities. 10 weeks, $6000 stipend. Applications open November 1-February 15.

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Democracy NC Summer Internship

The Democracy NC Summer Internship(link is external) is a six-week summer program for students interested in social and economic justice, community-based advocacy, research, politics, law, nonprofits, or public service. $5,000 stipend.

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Duke University’s Data+ program

This 10-week summer research experience is for students in all disciplines interested in exploring how big data can be used to solve problems in areas such as the environment, humanities, health, finance, public policy, and much more.  

Now accepting Project Proposals for Summer 2024! Please visit Big Data Duke (link is external)for more information.

Participants will receive a $5,000 stipend, out of which they must arrange their own housing and travel. Funding and infrastructure support are provided by a wide range of departments, schools, and initiatives from across Duke University, as well as by outside industry and community partners

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Duke Lemur Center Internship (DLC)

The DLC Internship(link is external) provides experiential learning opportunities in field research, animal husbandry, animal welfare, education, fossil collection, and communications. Unpaid, although some funding may be available for a limited number of interns. They also hire summer education employees ($15 per hour, 20 hours per week). Applications open early January.

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Educational Pathways to Increase Diversity in Genomics (EDGE) at UNC-Chapel Hill

The UNC Chapel Hill EDGE summer research program(link is external) is for students curious about the field of genetics. EDGE especially welcomes students who are underrepresented in science or come from a disadvantaged background. Students must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents. Topics include careers in genomics, ethical, legal, and social issues, gene-disease connections, and includes a mentored research experience. Virtual open house and

Timeline for 2024 program:

  • Early January 2024: application period opens
  • Late February 2024: applications due
  • Early April 2024: acceptances announced
  • July 8-26, 2024: program dates for year 1 students
  • June 3 – July 26, 2024: program dates for year 2 students

EDGE Genomics students receive compensation ($1,800 for year 1 students and $4,800 for year 2 students). Housing and meals are provided when students are in-person at UNC.

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Fellowship for Exploring Research and Nutrition (FERN) at UNC-Chapel Hill

FERN: Fellowship for Exploring Research and Nutrition(link is external) with the North Carolina Population Center at UNC-Chapel Hill is a 9-week paid summer research fellowship for students interested in food policy research. $19/hour wage plus free housing. Application opens late 2023.

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John M. Belk Impact Fellowship

The John M. Belk Impact Fellowship(link is external) (occurs during an academic year) places students in paid 10-month internships with organizations focused on providing equitable access to quality education, such as nonprofits, education systems and institutions, and philanthropy. Applications for the following academic year open in January and are due in late March.

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Math Research at UNC Charlotte (MRC-REU)

The Math Research at UNC Charlotte (MRC-REU)(link is external) for students interested in math or statistics covers topics including financial mathematics, number theory, material science, probability theory, and statistics. 10 weeks, $6000 stipend. Applications open in February and are due mid-March.

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Moore Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (MURAP) at UNC-Chapel Hill

The Moore Undergraduate Research Apprentice Program (MURAP)(link is external) at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill is a paid summer research and graduate school professional development experience designed to foster the entrance of talented students from diverse backgrounds within the humanities, social sciences, and fine arts into Ph.D. programs and faculty positions in U.S. colleges and universities. It is open to rising juniors and seniors from any college and university. 10 weeks.

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NASA Community College Aerospace Scholars (NCAS)

Students participating in the NCAS activity can expect to advance their capabilities in STEM, helping to prepare them for better representation and service in STEM fields. NCAS has three missions designed to challenge and build student knowledge and skills by focusing on NASA’s mission goals, collaboration, and career pathways. Mission 1 is a 5-week, self-paced online course. Mission 2 is participation in one of two educational simulation experiences. Mission 3 is participation in a week-long robotics competition with an NCAS partner institution OR a 3-week hybrid (online/onsite) capstone project at a NASA Field Center. View more about the 3 missions, eligibility, and how to apply(link is external).

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National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Scholars Connect Program

The National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences Scholars Connect Program(link is external) is an academic year research internship for students interested in science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) to participate in undergraduate research and training in biomedical research. Entire academic year, 15 hours per week, stipend is $3,150 per month. Application open in November for the following academic year.

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National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU)

 The National Science Foundation(link is external) offers a number of summer research experiences for undergraduates. 

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NC State Summer Research Experiences

NC State offers many other summer research experiences(link is external) for students interested in science, math, and engineering. Read about the various options on the NC State Undergraduate Research webpage(link is external). Application deadlines vary.

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NIIMBL eXperience hosted by NC State

The NIIMBL eXperience(link is external) hosted by NC State is a week-long experience offering first-year and second-year college students of color planning to major in a STEM field the chance to explore biopharmaceutical careers. Applications are due in March.

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PreMiEr Summer REU 2025

The REU program is a summer research experience open to undergraduates from any two-year or four-year institution. Through this ten-week immersive research experience, you will gain hands-on research experience in an academic lab.

As part of the PreMiEr Engineering Research Center, you will investigate the complex interactions between microbes and humans in the spaces we both share, including homes, hospitals, and other indoor spaces. You'll gain insight into microbial impacts on human health and learn how research is applied to real-world problems.

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Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN) Research Experiences for Undergraduates

The Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN)(link is external) hosts a collaborative REU site that leverages the strength of collaborative research on hybrid materials, specifically hybrid perovskites, together with the integrated nanotechnology tools of the RTNN to provide a state-of-the-art research experience on a timely research topic that has direct and tangible technological applications (e.g. solar cells, lighting, lasers). Students will be supported for 10 weeks from Late May-July.

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Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN) Internship Opportunities

The Research Triangle Nanotechnology Network (RTNN)(link is external) is looking to support (2) part-time internship opportunities for currently enrolled community college students to experience and learn laboratory skills at the NCSU Nanofabrication Facility (NNF) and/or the Analytical Instrumentation Facility (AIF) at NC State University.

The deadline for application submission is September 13, 2024.

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Science Enrichment Preparation (SEP) Program at UNC-Chapel Hill

Science Enrichment Preparatio n(SEP) Program(link is external) at UNC Chapel Hill is an eight-week summer program for first-generation, underrepresented minority, or socioeconomically disadvantaged students who are rising sophomores or juniors interested in medical school or dental school.  Applications open in October and considered on a rolling basis.

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SMART Scholarship Information Session for NC

The SMART Scholarship-for-Service Program(link is external) offers STEM students who are currently pursuing a bachelor’s, master’s, or Ph.D. a full scholarship, internships, annual stipends, and guaranteed employment with the Department of Defense.

Students and faculty are invited to join the SMART team on Monday, September 9 from 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. as we review eligibility requirements, the application process, and program benefits.

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Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity in Chemistry (SUROC)

The Summer Undergraduate Research Opportunity in Chemistry (SUROC)(link is external) is open to juniors at any university. Students will conduct independent research under a faculty mentor. Students can choose to work in a research laboratory in any of our five divisions: Analytical, Biological, Inorganic, Organic, Physical, or Polymer/Materials. 10-week, $5,000 stipend. Applications available November 15 through February 20, 2024.

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Women and Minority Engineering Research Program at NC State

NC State’s Women and Minority Engineering Research Program (WMEP)(link is external) is a summer research experience for students interested in engineering. 

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