Review the differences between high school and college accommodations

In order to receive accommodations, students should do the following:

  1. Submit documentation to the Counseling, Accessibility, and Resources office.
    In order to verify a disability, you need to submit documentation which supports the accommodations you are requesting. Please see the Forms and Documentation Guidelines page for documentation and more information.
  2. Meet with Accessibility Services.
    Once the documentation has been reviewed, Accessibility Services will contact you to schedule a meeting. The meeting will focus on the process and procedures of the Accessibility Services, the student’s responsibility with regards to accommodations, their functional limitations and restrictions, and reasonable accommodations.
  3. Prepare an Accommodation Plan.
    The Accessibility Services provider and you will develop an Accommodation Plan during the meeting if the documentation supports your request and meets the documentation guidelines.
  4. Meet with each instructor to discuss your Accommodation Plan.

Please note: Review of documentation can take up to 10 days. Therefore, students should submit their documentation at least 30 days prior to the start of the semester to avoid a delay in receiving accommodations.

Placement Test Accommodations

Students needing accommodations on the placement test should follow the above steps. Please understand that reviewing documentation can take up to two weeks. Therefore, students should notify the Accessibility Services staff of their expected test date when they submit documentation.

Students with Accommodation Plans on File with Accessibility Services

Students should request a new Accommodation Plan each semester. The best way to request an Accommodation Plan is to complete the Accommodation Renewal Request Form(link is external). Please note: It is a student’s responsibility to renew accommodation each semester.

Students with accommodations who are experiencing challenges with implementing their Accommodation Plan can use the Accommodation inquiry form(link is external) for assistance.

Other Campuses or Satellite Centers

Accessibility Services staff will meet with a student at any Durham Tech location. Students must call and schedule an appointment with an Accessibility Services staff member.

Differences Between High School/Dually Enrolled Students and College Accommodations

Applicable Laws

High School College
IDEA (Individuals with Disabilities Education Act) ADA (Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990)
Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973 Section 504, Rehabilitation Act of 1973
IDEA ensures success; students are entitled to services ADA ensures equal access; protects from discrimination


Required Documentation

High School College
IEP (Individualized Education Plan) and/or 504 Plan Documentation guidelines specify the information needed for each category (IEP/504 Plan alone is insufficient)
The school provides evaluation at no cost to the student Students must obtain evaluation at their own expense
School retests over time Additional accommodations and/or a change in the impact of the disability may warrant additional documentation



High School College
The student is identified by the school and is supported by parents and teachers Students must self-identify to the Support Services department
Primary responsibility for arranging accommodations belongs to the school Primary responsibility for self-advocacy and requesting accommodations belongs to the student
Teachers approach the student if they believe assistance is needed Professors are usually open and helpful, but most expect students to initiate contact if assistance is needed


Parental Role

High School College
Parent has access to student records and can participate in the accommodations process The parent does not have access to student records without the student’s written consent
Parent advocates for student Student advocates for self


Accessibility Service Provider Role

High School College
The school seeks out students and reminds/ creates/ coordinates additional resources as needed Support Services determines eligibility for reasonable accommodations under the ADA and Section 504 upon request from the student
Primary responsibility for accommodations belongs to the school Support Services does not duplicate resources found elsewhere on campus; refers students to resources as students identify potential need


Instructor Role

High School College
Teachers may modify the curriculum and/or alter the curriculum pace of assignments Instructors are not required to modify the design or alter assignment deadlines
Teachers prompt students about grades assignments, and due dates Students must monitor their own progress and manage their time
The student is expected to complete assignments that are then discussed and often re-taught in class The student is responsible for substantial amounts of homework which may not be directly addressed in class
Attendance is legally mandated Attendance is the student’s responsibility; the student accepts the consequences of non-attendance


Tests and Grades

High School College
IEP or 504 plan may include modifications to test format and/or grading Grading and test format changes (i.e. multiple choice vs. essay) are not available; accommodations on HOW tests are given (extended time, test proctors) are available when supported by disability documentation
Teachers often take time to remind students of assignments and due dates Instructors expect students to read, save, and consult the course syllabus, which spells out exactly what is expected when things are due, and how the student will be graded