Workshops and Series Calendar

Teaching and Learning offers series aimed at mastery of various skills needed by employees in the essential roles that they play in the college. These series align with the established competencies for Durham Tech. 

Workshops and Series Descriptions

Using Differentiated Teaching to support Academic Diversity Series

Facilitated by Roberta Maso-Fleischman, Ph.D.

Dr. Roberta Maso-Fleischman is from Venezuela. After obtaining a BS in Psychology from the Universidad Católica Andrés Bello, in Caracas, she became involved in the field of Special Education. She then found a passion for public education and worked with municipal elementary school teachers promoting cultural democracy in the classroom. She received her MA in Education from Stanford University as well as an MA in Anthropology and a Ph.D. in International Development Education. She has championed online teaching for the Teachers Education Program at United States University, in San Diego. Subsequently, she joined the faculty at the School of Education at LMU as part-time lecturer. Currently living in Raleigh, NC, she wants to contribute to and participate in local efforts to provide equitable access to education, employment, and opportunity. She is passionate about diversity, multicultural perspectives, equity, social justice, in-depth knowledge, critical inquiry, and academic rigor. 


Faculty from all disciplines are invited to attend this series of workshops. A Teaching and Learning Differentiated instruction badge will be awarded to participants who complete all four workshops in the series. Come and explore with us and see how DI can be integrated into your instructional practice.


If you are interested in joining the workshop registration opens on December 1, 2023. Use the Employee Training and workshop form for registration. Space is limited due to the nature of the workshops. 

Workshop Series Description

Even though the diversity of the student population has increased, the teaching practices within higher education have remained practically unchanged. Higher education institutions continue to rely on the traditional, lecture-based approach to instructional practice (Turner et al., 2017), however, contemporary students in higher education, especially in community colleges, are no longer traditional students.  

Durham Tech is a learner-centered institution, where instructors routinely teach a very academically diverse student population. Learners are from many different backgrounds and with varying levels of educational experience and readiness.  

Academic diversity in the classroom at Durham Tech can be harnessed through Differentiated Instruction (DI) to make the teaching experience a better and to help fulfill of learning outcomes, as well as increase student participation, engagement, and satisfaction. 

This series presents practical strategies for adapting our classrooms to support our academic diversity. This four-part series on differentiated instruction (DI) will begin with an examination of DI and its relevance to your classroom and end with reflections on implementation of some of the strategies.

Series Outcomes:

  1. Reflect on current practice related to academic diversity.
  2. Examine Differentiated Instruction (DI) and the meaning of Content, Process and Product and how these concepts can be applied to Community College (CC) pedagogy.
  3. Apply strategies that are available to modify Content, Process and Instructional Product.
  4. Evaluate strategies used to modify Content, Process and Instructional Product.
  5.  Reflect on changes implemented and their impact.

All workshops are scheduled for 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m.

February 16, 2024: Workshop 1: The differentiated classroom.

Examines differentiated instruction and its meaning for your content, process and instructional product.

February 23, 2024: Workshop 2: Exploration

Participants will discuss and choose an aspect of their course that they want to change. Apply the concepts learned in workshop 1 and 2, to either their content, process, or instructional product. At the end of this workshop the intention is to implement the changes.

March 1, 2024: Workshop 3: Implementation Experience

Participants share experiences through reflecting on their changes. Participants will report back to the group their experience implementing DI in their course and receive feedback.

March 15, 2024: Workshop 4: Implementation recommendations

This session is culmination of the series and is focused on sharing experiences using changes made and presenting recommendations for future iterations of the course. It provides an opportunity to reflect and project what the future of the course will look like. 

Adjunct Faculty Self- paced Series

North Carolina Network for Excellence in Teaching (NC-NET)

On-demand Courses Available: Start Teaching Today! Each course is self-enrolled, self-paced.

New Faculty Orientation

Welcome new faculty!

I want to welcome you to the Durham Tech professional learning experience! The Teaching-Learning Center (TLC) is where we promote faculty development and growth along with fellowship with colleagues from across campus. We'd like to invite you to take advantage of our services. We have a variety of presentations every month, each semester. All of these are geared toward helping us all become better instructors and equipping us to deliver the best experiences to our students.

We will be conducting New Faculty Orientation virtually this year. There will be two parts to the Fall 2023 new faculty orientation. Part one will consist of an online orientation for faculty engagement with key leaders at our college. The second part of the orientation will be delivered on Canvas, our learning management system, through a course designed specifically for you and your colleagues. We would strongly encourage you to connect with your colleagues on the site. A space will be provided to make those connections.

You will receive the invite as a Microsoft TEAMS link for part one of the orientation. If you have yet to receive the invite link, please email Marye immediately so that the invitation may be sent. The session will be recorded and available for replay on the TLC Professional Learning Presentation Recordings on TEAMS. We encourage you all to attend and develop relationships with new colleagues and other faculty and staff members as we engage and commit to the work here at Durham Tech.

I highly recommend getting your Durham Tech user ID credentials before the orientation. These credentials are used for Durham Tech email and logging into Canvas, our learning management system. Your direct supervisor should be able to help you through the process.

You can then go over the resources below before, during, and after the orientation at your own pace. During our live orientation, you will become acquainted with various people and departments on campus that can guide you during your teaching journey at Durham Tech. You will also complete an asynchronous portion for the orientation in Canvas.

Take some time to review the welcome letter in its entirety. The orientation agenda is in the message space, and I have accepted the invitation to attend. Please don't hesitate to ask any questions about the New Faculty Orientation or any other aspect of our campus community.

Kindest Regards,
Marye E. Vance, M.Ed (she, her)
Coordinator, TLC/Instructor
Durham Technical Community College
Office Location: Phillips (Building 3), room 103D
919-536-7200, ext. 6016