Durham Tech offers both certificate and diploma Pathways of Study within the CTE pathway. Students must meet program qualifications in order to enroll in CTE pathways. Students can use one or a combination of any of the approved standardized assessments to verify that they meet this requirement. Students who wish to qualify through a waiver recommendation must provide test scores that confirm course prerequisites are met. View more information on the CCP Eligibility web page.


Building, Engineering, and Skilled Trades
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCodeRequired CoursesCourse Fees
Architectural Technology CADC40100HSARC-111, ARC-112, ARC-113, ARC-114, ARC-211 ARC-220$11 per course
Automotive Systems Technology ElectricalC60160EHTRN-110, TRN-120, AUT-113, AUT163, AUT-181$11 per course, excluding AUT-181
Automotive Systems Technology Under CarC60160UHTRN-110, TRN-120, AUT-141, AUT-113, AUT-151$11 per course
Computer-Integrated MachiningC50210HSMAC-121, MAC-122, MAC-124, MAC-131, MAC-141, MAC-151, DFT-119, ISC-112 $11 per course excluding ISC-112
Industrial Systems HVACC50240CHMNT-110, ISC-112, AHR-110, AHR-112$11 per course excluding ISC-112   
$20 supply fee per course excluding ISC-112
Industrial Systems MaintenanceC50240MHMNT-110, MNT-230, ISC-112, BPR-111, MEC-111, PLU-111$11 per course, excluding ISC-112   
$20 supply fee per course, excluding ISC-112
Welding TechnologyC50420HSWLD-112, WLD-115, WLD-121, WLD-141, WLD-131$11 per course   
$20 supply fee per course   
Additional fees:    
$125 Welding Inspector fee for WLD-121
Business and Entrepreneurship
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCodeRequired CoursesCourse Fees
Business Administration: Business Core   
Must meet college transfer pathway requirements
C25120AHACC-120, BUS-110, BUS-115, BUS-137, ECO-251None
Business Administration: Marketing   
RISE English Tier 1
C25120MHBUS-110, BUS-137, MKT-120, MKT-123, MKT-220None
Creative and Liberal Arts
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCodeRequired CoursesCourse Fees
Community Spanish Interpreter - Introduction to Interpreting   
RISE English Tier 1; Spanish placement test; Must attend Spanish Interpreting Information Session
C55370HSSPA-111/181, SPA-112/182, SPA-211, SPA-212, SPI-113None
Community Spanish Interpreter - Public Service   
RISE English Tier 1; Spanish placement test; Must attend Spanish Interpreting Information Session
C55370FHSPI-113, SPI-114, SPI-213, SPI-214 SPA-241, SPI-245None
Infant/Toddler Care   
RISE English Tier 1
C55290HSEDU-119, EDU-131, EDU-144, EDU-153, EDU-234None
Health and Wellness
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCodeRequired CoursesCourse Fees
Introduction to Dental Lab   
RISE English Tier 1 and Tier 2;    
RISE Math Tier 1
C45280HDLT-111, DLT-114, DLT-116, PHS-121$16 per course   
$190 Dental Anatomy/Physiology Fee for DLT-111;   
$225 Dental Materials fee for DLT-114; $50 Complete Dentures fee for DLT-116
Introduction to Medical Assisting   
Must meet college transfer pathway requirements
C45400HSENG-111, CIS-110, MED-110, MED-121, MED-122, BIO-163$16 fee for BIO-163
Introduction to Nursing   
RISE  English Tier 1
C45970HSNAS-101, MED-121, MED-122Costs for NAS-101:   
$65 Lab Material fee   
$16 Educational Liability/Malpractice Insurance    
$25 Criminal Background Screening Check   
$140 exam fee (paid separately to Pearson VUE)   
Additional equipment is required.
Human Services and Public Safety
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCodeRequired CoursesCourse Fees
Introduction to Criminal Justice TechnologyC55180H1CJC-111, CJC-112, CJC-113, CJC-121, CJC-141, CJC-212TBD
Introduction to Emergency Medical Science
Must meet college transfer pathway requirements; Proof of English proficiency (through SAT, ACT, or RISE English Tier 1 and 2); high school Biology and Chemistry with a grade of C or above.
C45340HSEMS-110, BIO-168, BIO-169$30 Lab Materials fee for BIO-168   
$40 Lab Materials fee for BIO-169   
$15 Lab Materials fee for EMS-110   
$16 Educational Liability/Malpractice Insurance for EMS-110   
Additional Fees for EMS-110:   
$58 Supply Kit fee   
$92 Criminal Background Screening Check   
$23 Clinical Immunization and Required Tracking
Information Technology
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCodeRequired CoursesCourse Fees
Computer RepairC25590H1CTI-110, CTI-120, CTS-120, CTS-220$11 per course   
$25 Hardware/Software Support fee (covers CompTIA practice exam and 1 certification) for CTS-120   
$25 Adv. Hardware/Software Support fee (covers CompTIA practice exam and 1 certification) for CTS-220
Computer ScienceC25590S3CSC-134, CSC-151, CSC-249, CSC-251, MAT-171, $11 per course
Cybersecurity CCNA   
This certificate is designed for students with a minimum of one year of IT work experience.
C25590C2CTI-120, NET-125, NET-126, NET-225, SEC-110, SEC-160$11 per course
Software DevelopmentC25590S4CTI-110, CSC-121, CSC-151, CSC-153, WEB-110, DBA-110$11 per course
Science and Math
CTE Pathway Name and LinkCourse CodePrerequisitesCourse Fees
BioWork DPSBTC-3200J Durham Public School high school Seniors onlyTuition is waived for Durham Public School High school students; students may be responsible for $116.25 for books and other fees.