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We found 1188 courses matching your search criteria.
ARC-132 Specifications & Contracts
This course covers the development of written specifications and the implications of different contractual arrangements. Topics include specification development, contracts, bidding material research, and agency responsibilities. Upon completion, students should be able to write a specification section and demonstrate the ability to interpret contractual responsibilities.
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ARC-211 Light Construction Technology
This course covers working drawings for light construction. Topics include plans, elevations, sections, and details; schedules; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare a set of working drawings which are within accepted architectural standards.
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ARC-212 Commercial Construction Techniques
This course introduces regional construction techniques for commercial plans, elevations, sections, and details. Topics include production of a set of commercial contract documents and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare a set of working drawings in accordance with building codes.
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ARC-213 Design Project
This course provides the opportunity to design and prepare a set of contract documents within an architectural setting. Topics include schematic design, design development, construction documents, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to prepare a set of commercial contract documents.
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ARC-220 Advanced Architectural CAD
This course provides file management, productivity, and CAD customization skills. Emphasis is placed on developing advanced proficiency techniques. Upon completion, students should be able to create prototype drawings and symbol libraries, compose sheets with multiple details, and use advanced drawing and editing commands.
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ARC-230 Environmental Systems
This course introduces plumbing, mechanical (HVAC), and electrical systems for the architectural environment. Topics include basic plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems for residential and/or commercial buildings with an introduction to selected code requirements. Upon completion, students should be able to develop schematic drawings for plumbing, mechanical, and electrical systems and perform related calculations.
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ARC-235 Architectural Portfolio
This course covers the methodology for the creation of an architectural portfolio. Topics include preparation of marketing materials and a presentation strategy using conventional and/or digital design media. Upon completion, students should be able to produce an architectural portfolio of selected projects.
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ARC-250 Survey of Architecture
This course introduces the historical trends in architectural form. Topics include historical and current trends in architecture. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of significant historical and current architectural styles.
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ART-111 Art Appreciation
This course introduces the origins and historical development of art. Emphasis is placed on the relationship of design principles to various art forms including but not limited to sculpture, painting, and architecture. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and analyze a variety of artistic styles, periods, and media. Select sections of this course are approved for the Global Distinction Program (See list on Durham Tech website).
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ART-114 Art History Survey I
This course covers the development of art forms from ancient times to the Renaissance. Emphasis is placed on content, terminology, design, and style. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an historical understanding of art as a product reflective of human social development. Select sections of this course are eligible for Honors (look for section numbers with an "H"); This course is approved for the Global Distinction Program.
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ART-115 Art History Survey II
This course covers the development of art forms from the Renaissance to the present. Emphasis is placed on content, terminology, design, and style. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an historical understanding of art as a product reflective of human social development. Select sections of this course are eligible for Honors (look for section numbers with an "H"); This course is approved for the Global Distinction Program.
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ART-117 Non-Western Art History
This course introduces non-Western cultural perspectives. Emphasis is placed on, but not limited to, African, Oriental, and Oceanic art forms throughout history. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an historical understanding of art as a product reflective of non-Western social and cultural development. This course is approved for the Global Distinction Program.
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ART-121 Two-Dimensional Design
This course introduces the elements and principles of design as applied to two-dimensional art. Emphasis is placed on the structural elements, the principles of visual organization, and the theories of color mixing and interaction. Upon completion, students should be able to understand and use critical and analytical approaches as they apply to two-dimensional visual art.
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ART-122 Three-Dimensional Design
This course introduces basic studio problems in three-dimensional visual design. Emphasis is placed on the structural elements and organizational principles as applied to mass and space. Upon completion, students should be able to apply three-dimensional design concepts.
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ART-131 Drawing I
This course introduces the language of drawing and the use of various drawing materials. Emphasis is placed on drawing techniques, media, and graphic principles. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in the use of graphic form and various drawing processes.
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ART-132 Drawing II
This course continues instruction in the language of drawing and the use of various materials. Emphasis is placed on experimentation in the use of drawing techniques, media, and graphic materials. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate increased competence in the expressive use of graphic form and techniques.
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ART-135 Figure Drawing I
This course introduces rendering the human figure with various drawing materials. Emphasis is placed on the use of the visual elements, anatomy, and proportion in the representation of the draped and undraped figure. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in drawing the human figure.
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ART-171 Digital Design I
This course is designed to introduce students to the elements and principles of design through the use of digital software. Emphasis is placed on developing composition and design skills using vector, raster, and time-based media. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and use tools in digital software, understand and utilize digital and artistic vocabulary, and employ the principles and elements of design to create artwork using digital means.
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ART-215 Visual Art Portfolio
This course covers the organization of a comprehensive body of work designed to showcase the visual artist's competencies in selected media and is intended for college transfer or professional advancement. Emphasis includes preparation for gallery exhibition, creation of a digital portfolio, and development of materials associated with best practices for showcasing artistic works, skills, and experience. Upon completion, students should be able to display a professional arrangement of work designed for entry into an advanced visual arts program, application for employment, or presentation to juried gallery exhibitions.
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ART-222 Wood Design I
This course introduces the historical and contemporary design concepts and their application to the construction of functional and sculptural wood forms. Emphasis is placed on the mastery of hand and power tools. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate appropriate use of tools to create unique designs.
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ART-240 Painting I
This course introduces the language of painting and the use of various painting materials. Emphasis is placed on the understanding and use of various painting techniques, media, and color principles. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate competence in the use of creative processes directed toward the development of expressive form.
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ART-244 Watercolor
This course introduces basic methods and techniques used in watercolor. Emphasis is placed on application, materials, content, and individual expression. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a variety of traditional and nontraditional concepts used in watercolor media.
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ART-281 Sculpture I
This course provides an exploration of the creative and technical methods of sculpture with focus on the traditional processes. Emphasis is placed on developing basic skills as they pertain to three-dimensional expression in various media. Upon completion, students should be able to show competence in variety of sculptural approaches.
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ART-283 Ceramics I
This course provides an introduction to three-dimensional design principles using the medium of clay. Emphasis is placed on fundamentals of forming, surface design, glaze application, and firing. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate skills in slab and coil construction, simple wheel forms, glaze technique, and creative expression.
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ASL-111 Elementary ASL I
This course introduces the fundamental elements of American Sign Language within a cultural context. Emphasis is placed on the development of basic expressive and receptive skills. Upon completion, students will be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to expressive American Sign Language and demonstrate cultural awareness.
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ASL-112 Elementary ASL II
This course is a continuation of ASL 111 focusing on the fundamental elements of American Sign Language in a cultural context. Emphasis is placed on the progressive development of expressive and receptive skills. Upon completion, the students should be able to comprehend and respond with increasing accuracy to expressive American Sign Language and demonstrate cultural awareness.
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ASL-181 ASL Lab 1
This course provides an opportunity to enhance acquisition of the fundamental elements of American Sign Language. Emphasis is placed on the progressive development of basic expressive and receptive skills through the use of supplementary learning media and materials. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to expressive American Sign Language and demonstrate cultural awareness.
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ASL-182 ASL Lab 2
This course provides an opportunity to enhance acquisition of the fundamental elements of American Sign Language. Emphasis is placed on the progressive development of basic expressive and receptive skills through the use of supplementary learning media and materials. Upon completion, students should be able to comprehend and respond with increasing proficiency to expressive American Sign Language and demonstrate cultural awareness.
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ASL-211 Intermediate ASL I
This course provides a review and expansion of the essential skills of American Sign Language. Emphasis is placed on the progressive development of expressive and receptive skills, study of authentic and representative literacy and cultural texts. Upon completion, students should be able to communicate effectively, accurately, and creatively using American Sign Language about the past, present, and future.
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AST-151 General Astronomy I
This course introduces the science of modern astronomy with a concentration on the solar system. Emphasis is placed on the history and physics of astronomy and an introduction to the solar system, including the planets, comets, and meteors. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate a general understanding of the solar system.