TLC: Faculty Partners Offering Wisdom
The purpose of Faculty Partners Offering Wisdom (FPOW) is to foster faculty community and encourage collaboration by pairing a returning full-time faculty member with a new full-time faculty member. Interested adjunct faculty are also eligible to receive a mentor by indicating their interest at the New Faculty Orientation. Beginning in fall 2019, the TLC encourages adjunct faculty to apply to be a mentor to other adjunct faculty as well.
FPOW mentors are full-time faculty with at least two years of full-time teaching experience at Durham Tech. Part-time instructors who mentor must have at least two consecutive semesters of teaching experience with Durham Tech.
Mentors represent every academic department on campus. They are incredibly knowledgeable about Durham Tech programs and students, community college teaching, and advising.
New faculty are matched with their mentors in August or January and meet with their mentees monthly, including during end-of-semester celebrations in the TLC in December and May. There is also a mid-year activity to encourage group familiarity. Mentors also check in with the mentor program coordinator periodically each semester.
Faculty need at least two years teaching full-time at Durham Tech to become mentors. Some tentative incentives for participation include an honorarium and a collegiality allowance for use with your mentee(s).
For more details, email