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We found 1188 courses matching your search criteria.
CIS-110 Introduction to Computers
This course introduces computer concepts, including fundamental functions and operations of the computer. Topics include identification of hardware components, basic computer operations, security issues, and use of software applications. Upon completion, students should be able to demonstrate an understanding of the role and function of computers and use the computer to solve problems.
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CJC-110 Basic Law Enforcement BLET
This course covers the basic skills and knowledge needed for entry-level employment as a law enforcement officer in North Carolina. Topics include those mandated by North Carolina Administration Code as essential for functioning in law enforcement. Upon completion, the student should be able to demonstrate competence in the topics required for the state comprehensive certification examination.
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CJC-111 Introduction to Criminal Justice
This course introduces the components and processes of the criminal justice system. Topics include history, structure, functions, and philosophy of the criminal justice system and their relationship to life in our society. Upon completion, students should be able to define and describe the major system components and their interrelationships and evaluate career options.
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CJC-112 Criminology
This course introduces deviant behavior as it relates to criminal activity. Topics include theories of crime causation; statistical analysis of criminal behavior; past, present, and future social control initiatives; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain and discuss various theories of crime causation and societal response.
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CJC-113 Juvenile Justice
This course covers the juvenile justice system and related juvenile issues. Topics include an overview of the juvenile justice system, treatment and prevention programs, special areas and laws unique to juveniles, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss juvenile court structure/procedures, function and jurisdiction of juvenile agencies, processing/detention of juveniles, and case disposition.
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CJC-121 Law Enforcement Operations
This course introduces fundamental law enforcement operations. Topics include the contemporary evolution of law enforcement operations and related issues. Upon completion, students should be able to explain theories, practices, and issues related to law enforcement operations.
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CJC-131 Criminal Law
This course covers the history/evolution/principles and contemporary applications of criminal law. Topics include sources of substantive law, classification of crimes, parties to crime, elements of crimes, matters of criminal responsibility, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to discuss the sources of law and identify, interpret, and apply the appropriate statutes/elements.
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CJC-132 Court Procedure & Evidence
This course covers judicial structure/process/procedure from incident to disposition, kinds and degrees of evidence, and the rules governing admissibility of evidence in court. Topics include consideration of state and federal courts, arrest, search and seizure laws, exclusionary and statutory rules of evidence, and other related issues. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss procedures necessary to establish a lawful arrest/search, proper judicial procedures, and the admissibility of evidence.
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CJC-141 Corrections
This course covers the history, major philosophies, components, and current practices and problems of the field of corrections. Topics include historical evolution, functions of the various components, alternatives to incarceration, treatment programs, inmate control, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain the various components, processes, and functions of the correctional system.
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CJC-212 Ethics & Community Relations
This course covers ethical considerations and accepted standards applicable to criminal justice organizations and professionals. Topics include ethical systems; social change, values, and norms; cultural diversity; citizen involvement in criminal justice issues; and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to apply ethical considerations to the decision-making process in identifiable criminal justice situations.
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CJC-221 Investigative Principles
This course introduces the theories and fundamentals of the investigative process. Topics include crime scene/incident processing, information gathering techniques, collection/preservation of evidence, preparation of appropriate reports, court presentations, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify, explain, and demonstrate the techniques of the investigative process, report preparation, and courtroom presentation.
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CJC-225 Crisis Intervention
This course introduces critical incident intervention and management techniques as they apply to operational criminal justice practitioners. Emphasis is placed on the victim/offender situation as well as job-related high stress, dangerous, or problem-solving citizen contacts. Upon completion, students should be able to provide insightful analysis of emotional, violent, drug-induced, and other critical and/or stressful incidents that require field analysis and/or resolution.
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CJC-231 Constitutional Law
The course covers the impact of the Constitution of the United States and its amendments on the criminal justice system. Topics include the structure of the Constitution and its amendments, court decisions pertinent to contemporary criminal justice issues, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to identify/discuss the basic structure of the United States Constitution and the rights/procedures as interpreted by the courts.
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CJC-232 Civil Liability
This course covers liability issues for the criminal justice professional. Topics include civil rights violations, tort liability, employment issues, and other related topics. Upon completion, students should be able to explain civil trial procedures and discuss contemporary liability issues.
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CJC-240 Law Enforcement Management & Supervision
This course provides a study of the best known methods and practices of police leadership and management. Topics include the role of the manager in law enforcement, communications, time-management in law enforcement, managing problems, training and law enforcement productivity. Upon completion, students should be able to identify and discuss methods and practices capable of moving law enforcement agencies forward into the twenty-first century.
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CJC-3600A Pub Safety Scuba Diving Trng
This course is designed to focus on continuing education training for certified law enforcement scuba divers. Topics may include but are not limited to search & recovery, diver recertification, and rescue techniques.
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CJC-3600B Taser Initial Certification
This course provides initial training necessary to utilize Taser energy weapons in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations and relevant law.
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CJC-3600C Taser Recertification
This course is designed to focus on new and emerging issues and special topics in any area of the criminal justice field.
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CJC-3600D Drones for First Responders
This course prepares participants to establish or enhance a unmanned aerial system (UAS) program and sit for the FAA Part 107 remote pilot exam. Topics discussed include; drone laws/regulations, establishing a drone team, standard operating procedures, airspace and sectional charts, public safety exceptions/best practices, and public safety case studies/analysis.
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CJC-3600E Drone Mapping
This course will cover basic implementation of a UAS in crash reconstruction and mapping of crash scenes. This course will review basic hardware and software required, hardware calibration, measuring ground control points and practical applications. Whether aerial mapping is needed for crash reconstructions, structure layouts for active-shooter responses, or cataloging critical infrastructure; the principles of this course can be used in a variety of areas within public safety. Drone Mapping and Traffic Reconstruction covers various areas of UAS (Drone) implementation to include, Crash Reconstruction, Crime Scene analysis, and mapping for tactical LEO response.
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CJC-3925A Rifle/Shotgun Firearms Qualificaiton
This certification-related course is designed to provide the student with the knowledge and skills to make informed judgments with regard to the use of deadly force, to safely handle all types of firearms which may be assigned to them in their line of work, and to deliver accurate fire from a variety of combat positions. Upon successful completion the student will show the ability to fire the weapon(s) assigned to them from a variety of distances and positions in attaining a qualifying score of no less than 70%. The student will also show competency in the operation and maintenance of their assigned weapons. Contact the NC Department of Justice for course standards.
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CJC-3925B Basic Shotgun
This course is designed for the officer who needs to learn the basic fundamentals of the shotgun.
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CJC-3928A General Instructor Training
This certification-related course is designed to provide the law enforcement officer with a fundamental background in the instruction of other law enforcement personnel. Successful completion of this course allows the student to apply to the Criminal Justice Education and Training Standards Division for certification as a law enforcement instructor. This certification allows an instructor to teach many of the blocks of instruction offered in basic law enforcement training in addition to various in-service classes offered both in-house (police/sheriff's depts.) and the community college system. Each trainee is required to research, develop and deliver an 80-minute lesson plan as part of meeting course requirements. Trainees must successfully pass State- administered written exam as well as demonstrate competency in all skill areas in order to be eligible for certification as a criminal justice instructor. Trainees must meet State established prerequisites for admission to course. Contact the NC Department of Justice for course standards.
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This course is designed to develop knowledge and skills used by Criminal Justice personnel who are authorized to use RADAR equipment used by their departments. Lecture, demonstration, and practical field exercises are the principal methods of instruction. Employment in the field of Criminal Justice and authorization of the department are prerequisites for enrollment in this course.
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CJC-3936A SMI Operator Supplemental Training
Demonstration of familiarzation of SMI to include the function and operating procedures of the additional speed measuring instruments for which the officer desires certification is required in this course.
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CJC-3937A Radar Recertification
This course is designed to re-certify Radar Operators in the use of radar equipment used by their agencies. The principal methods of instruction are lecture and demonstration. Current certification as probationary or general status as a law enforcement officer and certification as a radar operator within the three years preceding the completion of this course are prerequisites for enrollment. Course includes field practice and testing, both written and practical.
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CJC-3941A Detention Officer Cert.
This certification-related Detention Officer Certification Course (DOCC) is offered under guidelines and requirements as set forth by North Carolina Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission. Properly certified State instructors are used in all topic areas. Trainees must successfully pass State administered exam as well as demonstrate competency in all skill areas in order to be eligible for certification as a detention officer. Lecture, demonstrations and practical exercises are primary methods of instruction. Contact the NC Department of Justice for course standards.
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CJC-3942A Telecommunicator Certification
This certification-related Telecommunicator Course is designed to meet the training guidelines mandated by the North Carolina Sheriffs' Education and Training Standards Commission. Trainees must successfully pass a state- administered exam as well as demonstrate competency in all skill areas in order to be eligible for certification. Contact the NC Department of Justice for course standards.
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CJC-3952AO Mandated In-Service Trng/Mental Illness
This course is designed to provide training in all topics that are mandated by a North Carolina accrediting commission or agency of state or federal government for continued certification as a criminal justice officer. Course topics must be consistent with the current law and the NC Administrative Code and may include annual in-service training for law enforcement officers, firearms training and qualification, legal update, hazardous materials, bloodborne pathogens, juvenile minority sensitivity and ethical awareness. This course prefix should be used for courses that fit the nature of the above examples. Local titles may be used. Course hours should be reasonable based upon the nature of the local training, but may not exceed the maximum hours.
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CJC-3952AS Evidence Handling
The purpose of this lesson plan is to increase the student's awareness of civil process matters they may encounter in the course of performing their duties.