Summer Reading with the Durham Tech Library

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Libraries and reading are associated no matter how much times change, and the Durham Tech Library is here to help you with your summer reading goals.

Front window displays, Main Campus Library: Space and Summer Fun, Summer 2024

Stop by the Main Campus Library during our summer hours (posted on the Durham Tech Library website and updated, if needed, on our Instagram) and check out our front window displays for some recommendations from our collection.

The Orange County Campus is also open for your book checkout, computer use, or quiet study needs this summer.

Do you like to read for some sweet, sweet library swag?

While the Durham Tech Library doesn't do a formal summer reading program like many public libraries do, we do have an on-going annual reading challenge called the Read Great Things Challenge.

Durham Tech Library Read Great Things 2024 BINGO

This year it's BINGO. It started in January and ends in December, so you've got a whole year to get a BINGO (or several!). Go ahead and get started this summer!

Are you a Durham Tech faculty or staff member and want to join in with our current reading groups?

The Library


The Importance of Reading for Fun

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Right now, a lot, if not all, of the reading you may be doing is related to your classes: weekly readings so you know what the instructor’s talking about, researching specific topics for papers, and studying for tests. While that kind of reading is necessary, it’s also important to realize that reading for fun can be an important lifelong behavior. Reading just for pleasure promotes creative thinking, builds vocabulary and language skills, lets you see the world from different perspectives , and