Reading COLORful Books: A book with a color in the title

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

Consult your color wheel or box of crayons and choose a book with a color in the title to complete your Read Great Things 2021 Challenge.

phil roeder the big box of crayons
Phil Roeder "The Big Box of Crayons" from flickr

If you're into double-dipping, we have a lot of really excellent books about race and racial justice that would also count as A book about social justice or equity with black or white in the title.

We also have a good number of green books in our Phail Wynn Collection on the Main Campus.

These are just a few of the options available through the Durham Tech Library collections!

Want to explore a little more? Do a title search using your favorite color in our catalog (where you can also put a hold on a book from another community college library catalog) or in Dogwood Digital Library (which contains our ebooks and audiobooks through the Overdrive/Libby app). 

Happy reading! And remember that any of these books fit into our favorite category-- A book suggested by a Durham Tech Library staff member or on the Library blog!

Looking for more Read Great Things 2021 category suggestions? Check out our short book list from Januaryour outer space books from Februaryour self-care books from March, or our microhistories from April.
