Read Great Things 2021: Wrapping Up & Looking Forward to 2022

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

It's December 1, which means you have 30 (or 31, depending how you count it) days to complete your 2021 Read Great Things Challenge and/or the 2021 Reading SPRINT

Since the Read Great Things Challenge is year-long, if you're planning on reading that last book or two over winter break, go for it! You have time!

If you've already finished books throughout 2021 that fit into at least 10 of the 12 RGT2021 categories, you can go ahead and fill out the online completion form(link is external) or drop your paper form off at the Main or Orange County Campus Library. You've got until January 31 to fill out the form.

Have you read three books since September 1 that don't count towards your Read Great Things Challenge categories but you still want a prize for them? Then the SPRINT is for you. Three books. Any books. That's it. Fill out the 2021 SPRINT completion form once you’re done(link is external).

For those who have already completed and submitted their challenge form(s) and are ready for a sweet hydration-related prize [a fancy aluminum water bottle!], now is your time!

Read Great Things Challenge 2021 prize--a green metal water bottle--with the checklist and 5 books that fit into various categories

Stop by the Main Campus Library starting Monday, December 13 to pick up your prizes between 8:30 and 5:00.

Stop by the Orange County Campus Library on Tuesday, December 14 to pick up your prizes between 8:30 and 5:00.

Need to pick it up at a different campus or at a different time? Let Meredith Lewis (lewisma @ know and I'll help you out. You can also pick up your prizes in January.

December 1 also means 31 days until the launch of the next Read Great Things Challenge with new categories. 2022 will be our fifth year of reading great things together! We'll have a launch (with swag) in January or February where we can chat about books and the new categories.

All We Can Save: Truth, Courage, and Solutions for the Climate Crisis edited by Ayana Elizabeth Johnson and Katharine K. Wilkinson

Have you heard about the upcoming reading circle for All We Can Save? A little birdy* says that participating might count for two of the categories in the 2022 Read Great Things Challenge.

*Me. I'm the bird. Tweet tweet.
