Out Loud in the Library: Student Life with Gilbert Umberger

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

Our latest podcast episode is out! Listen for library updates, a great interview with Gilbert Umberger (AKA G-Krispy), and book talk! 

Out Loud in the Library: Durham Tech Library Podcast

You can listen to the podcast here or on your favorite podcatcher. 

A heartfelt goodbye to Jes Dormady, who is mentioned in this episode, and has left the college since the recording. She's gone on to new opportunities and we wish her the absolute best!

Gilbert is reading Becoming a Student Ready College (available as a print book and an ebook from the Durham Tech Library. He's also reading Decision Points by George W. Bush (available through interlibrary loan). 

Don't miss our next Crafternoon! Check the schedule and put it on your calendar.

Contact Shaneka Grimes with any Covid-19 vaccine or testing questions. Her email is grimess@durhamtech.edu

Don't forget about our Read Great Things Challenge, and the 3 Book Read Great Things Challenge Sprint we're doing this semester. Learn more on the Library Blog!

Follow the library on Facebook and Instagram. Contact me, Courtney Bippley, at bippleyc@durhamtech.edu. Contact the Durham Tech Library at library@durhamtech.edu
