Out Loud in the Library: Spanish Language Collection with Tracey Callison

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

Hello, hello, hello!

The podcast is back after a short break and this time I spoke with Durham Tech librarian Tracey Callison about our new Spanish Language Collection. She put in the leg work to make this happen. Find out how a library collection gets put together, why having more Spanish language materials is important, and what Tracey is reading! (Hint: She's reading one of our favorites!)

Out Loud in the Library: Durham Tech Library Podcast

Find the 2021 Read Great Things Challenge categories on the library blog!

Follow the library on Facebook and Instagram. Contact me, Courtney Bippley, at bippleyc@durhamtech.edu. Contact the Durham Tech Library at library@durhamtech.edu

Music for this podcast was made by Robert Isaacs. 
