National Library Week 2020: Find the Library at your Place (and our New Social Media Accounts)

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

It's Friday, y'all! We made it to the end of another week doing the social distance disco. This week is National Library Week, too. 

Find the library at your place. National Library Week 2020.

The theme for this year's National Library Week was originally "Find Your Place at the Library." However, it was chosen before COVID-19 forced everyone out of physical library spaces. Due to current circumstances, the theme was reassessed and became "Find the Library at Your Place." (Note the stay-at-home worker in the lighthouse using those sweet library databases and resources.)

I love this new theme that is oh-so apropos for this moment in time when we are all using online resources more than ever before. Through Durham Tech's Library, you have incredible resources at your disposal. From streaming video to ebooks to live chat reference, we are here for you!

To stay more connected with you, the Library launched our Instagram account this week,   

Durham Tech Library Instagram.

Click the image to see it! Follow us for the best content on the internet.

which follows the launch of our Facebook account a few weeks ago.  

Click the image to see it! Like and follow us on Facebook for fun, friendly posts!

Stay connected with us from afar through our new social media accounts, and check out either (or both!) accounts to see our library staff profiles that were posted this week. 

Library Staff profile images

We may not be on campus, but we'll get through this together. Let us know what we can do to help and happy National Library Week!
