May is Mental Health Month

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

It's been an unconventional [see: literary term--understatement] few months. May is always Mental Health Month, but due to the stresses and uncertainties a lot of us are facing, it seems particularly important this year. 

You are not alone. Now more than ever, we need to find ways to stay connected with our community. No one should feel alone or without the information, support and help they need.

There are lots of ways to attend to your own mental health needs and for many, meditation and yoga or other mindfulness practices may be beneficial. 

Check out some of the free (or temporarily free) apps that you can use to practice these skills. 

Note: Some of these apps offer paid versions and in-app purchases. 

Smiling Mind app logo: a brain-shaped thought bubble with a smile, linked to the words Smiling Mind

Smiling Mind
This app features hundreds of meditations, organized into thematic programs like mindful foundations, sleep, relationships, and workplace, but you can choose where to start and to easily go between programs. Most meditations are in the five- to fifteen-minute range.

Down Dog App logo

Down Dog
This yoga app features 300,000 different workouts and several different instructors. They are currently offering free access until January 1st, 2021 for all students and teachers (K-12 and college). 

Stop, Breathe, & Think app logo

Stop, Breathe, & Think
A helpful section called Learn to Meditate explains what mindfulness is and why it’s beneficial, including some of the neuroscience behind it. This app features around 30 free sessions.  Most of the meditations are short, around 10 minutes, and feature simple introductory practices. You can also set a timer and sit in silence, learn different breathing techniques, or listen to relaxing sounds. There's also a kid's version (the blue logo). 

Insight Timer logo

Insight Timer

This app offers a really giant library of content: over 25,000 guided meditations taught by different teachers on topics like stress, relationships, creativity, and more. Once you find a teacher you enjoy, you can follow them to make sure you don’t miss any new content. You can also tune in to free talks and podcasts for life advice and inspiration, and music tracks to calm your mind or help you sleep.

5 Minute Yoga Workouts App logo

5 Minute Yoga (Apple and Android)
If you're looking for an app for short, spontaneous yoga or a few stretches before bed, this free app is great. Each session is no longer than five minutes, which means you can fit it in whenever you have time. Each pose has clear images and detailed instructions making it ideal for beginners as well as experienced yoga practitioners.

Calm app logo

Calm is a paid app (with a free trial), but has a blog with free meditations, sleep stories, movement exercises, and music, and additional free resources for this uncertain time

We may not be together, but we're here to help. Remember that Durham Tech has counseling resources available for both staff and students
