Library resources for understanding the Arab Spring

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Image with words in different colors: ArabSpring, revolution, Egypt, uprising, Yemen, freedom, Bahrain, rebellion, Syria, Libya, democracy, Tunisia Books and DVDs about the Arab Spring: Arab spring dreams: the next generation speaks out for freedom and justice from North Africa to Iran  HQ 799 .M628 A73 2012 The Arab uprisings: what everyone needs to know  JQ 1850 .A91 G37 2012 The battle for the Arab Spring: revolution, counter-revolution and the making of a new era JQ 1850 .A91 N68 2012 From Cairo to Wall Street: voices from the global spring  HM 881 .F76 2012 Muslim women reformers: inspiring voices against oppression HQ 1726.5 .L54 2009 On the state of Egypt: what made the revolution inevitable  DT 107.87 .A77 2011 Revolution in Cairo [DVD]  JQ 3831 .R48 2011 The road to Tahrir Square: Egypt and the United States from the rise of Nasser to the fall of Mubarak   E 183.8 .E35 G37 2011 Syria, Lebanon, and Jordan   DS 93 .S956 2011 Yemen  DS 247 .Y48 E26 2004 Online sources of information: Points of View Reference Center (link is external)(for remote access, use NC LIVE password) Academic Search Complete (link is external)(for remote access, use NC LIVE password) The Guardian UK Interactive Timeline (link is external) NPR: Major Events of the Arab Spring(link is external) The Economist Arab Spring topic page(link is external) New York Times Arab World Uprisings(link is external)  