LibGuides are Shortcuts to Research

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

Did you know that Durham Tech library staff have created nearly 50 online research guides to help you with your assignments? Click the "LibGuides" link on the library home page to see them! LibGuides is a service provided by Springshare, which allows libraries to create multifaceted guides to research, tailored to the library's resources and to specific subjects. Many of Durham Tech's LibGuides are designed around specific courses (ENG 231 / ENG 232) or subjects taught at Durham Tech (Dental Laboratory Technology). We even have LibGuides to our DVD collection, by genre and alphabetically by title! On our LibGuides, we provide links to the library catalog, specific books in the catalog, online articles and e-books, good websites for research, citation help, and so on, along with descriptions of each resource. Each LibGuide is organized by a series of yellow tabs near the top of it. Here is an example, from the ACA 122 LibGuide: libguide tabs The tabs for each LibGuide are different, depending on the topic. Click on a yellow tab to see a new page of resources for that subject. If you haven't already checked out the LibGuides online, it's not too late!