Fresh New Semester, Fresh New Spaces!
If you've been around here for a while or are coming back after a while, nope, you're not wrong: The Durham Tech Library Blog has changed!
All our very important past posts have been imported, and we're now ready to embark on a new semester in a new virtual space. Please forgive any broken links or wonky images. Please be patient with us as we remember our old lightweight coding skills. (Elder Millennial says Geocities and MySpace what?).
Anyways-- Bienvenue! Welcome to the newest home of the Durham Tech Library blog!
Speaking of revamped spaces, we've got two changes to announce this semester.
The Northern Durham Center Library space is closed for the semester while the building gets some HVAC updates, and we complete a room change. Services are available by request, so feel free to reach out to our excellent library staff if you need resources or services, even while our spaces is being updated.
The Main Campus Library is excited to show off our updated study and collection spaces downstairs.

The print legal collection has been pared down since our paralegal students already take advantage of their program-specific database of specialty law resources, and other local universities have bigger and more up-to-date print law collections (hi, NC Central, Duke, and UNC-Chapel Hill!).
This allowed us to space out both our Graphic Novel (front and center) and Spanish Language (to your right) Collections and will allow for growth.
We now have study carrels and comfy chairs available in the open space for quiet (though not silent) study.
Our newly relocated study carrels provide a lovely view of our Main Campus Library's high, geometric ceiling and provide some natural light to enhance your study environment.
Observe the sweeping views!
Marvel at the 1989 architecture (which is actually quite pretty from this POV, if you haven't noticed it before).
We're working on extending charging to these areas and will definitely update you when we know what we're able to do.
Please do note that this area echoes, so we can hear your conversations in this area.
Not new, but with an updated location are our DVD collection. They're now available down the stairs to your left for all your non-streaming needs. We also still have a DVD player for checkout if you're in need of one (see our Tech Tools agreement for info).
Also unchanged but still available are our group study rooms, which are available for checkout at the Circulation Desk at Main Campus. (No eating in them, please!)
We've got a lot of exciting things coming up this semester and we're excited for you to join us!