On Display: Books for Hispanic Heritage Month at the Main Campus Library

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
National Hispanic Heritage Month

National Hispanic Heritage Month is from September 15 to October 15 and uplifts the contributions of Hispanic Americans and celebrates their heritages. 

Check out the Main Campus Library's downstairs display featuring some of our awesome books and DVDs. As with all our displays, all items are available for checkout.

Hispanic Heritage Month 2021 Main Campus Display

Keep reading the check out details about the books and DVDs on display and for additional Durham Tech collections celebrating Spanish language and Hispanic heritages. 

We also have a National Hispanic Heritage Month collection of ebooks and audiobooks available for checkout through Dogwood Digital Library.

Dogwood Digital Library landing page with National Hispanic Heritage Month books on display, including fiction and memoir

Download and read on your computer or use the Libby app. 

And also explore our newly expanded Spanish Language collection displayed to the left of the staircase in the Main Campus Library, which features both classic and contemporary books. 

the display of new Spanish language books on bookshelf upstairs to the left of the stairs in the Main Campus Library
Main Campus Library Spanish Language Collection