#colorourcollections: Coloring Pages from Library & Museum Collections

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="800"]black and white drawn image of stereotypical college sports and other activities from the 1913 UNC-Chapel Hill Yackey Yak Yearbook One of UNC-Chapel Hill's Libraries' #colorourcollection pages, including a football scene at the top. (Go, Panthers!)[/caption] It's almost the weekend (yay!), and you may want to unwind a little and give yourself a mental break between study sessions and family responsibilities (and maybe a little football?).  Why not throwback to your childhood and take a mental break by coloring? Several special collections libraries and museums across the US and UK decided to create "Color Our Collections" week (Feb. 1-5) by posting images from their collections with the color removed, creating pages that anyone can access and color in their own way. For all you A&P students, check out the Oregon Health & Science University's Historical Collections & Archives Coloring Book, featuring a wide variety of historical medical illustrations. (Skeletons! Amputations! Guts!) For the animal and nature lovers out there, check out the BioDiversity Heritage Library's collection of images (scroll down for their coloring book). For a more complete list of participating libraries and museums, see Book Riot's roundup or search #colorourcollections on Twitter or Facebook.
