Celebrate Banned Books Week Sept. 23-29

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on

Banned Books Week is an annual event which celebrates the freedom to read and highlights the importance of open access to information for all. Banned Books Week brings awareness to issues of censorship in libraries and schools. The American Library Association's Office for Intellectual Freedom compiles reports from libraries, schools, and the media of attempts to ban books in communities across the country.

Banned Book Week gif

Image from American Library Association.

To see a list of the most frequently challenged and banned books, visit: http://www.ala.org/advocacy/bbooks/frequentlychallengedbooks Stop by our banned books display on the lower level of the library and pick up a bookmark or coloring sheet at the library’s desk to celebrate your freedom to read.

Durham Tech Library's Banned Books displayDurham Tech Library's Banned Books display

