#BlackoutBestsellerList: Some Suggestions from your Library

Submitted by Durham Tech Library on
A tweet from Amistad Books : Black publishing power. To demonstrate our power and clout in the publishing industry, Sunday June 14 - Saturday June 20, we encourage you to purchase any two books by Black writers. Our goal is to Blackout bestseller lists with Black voices. #BlackoutBestsellerlist #Blackpublishingpower

You may have seen the #blackoutbestsellerlist and #blackpublishingpower hashtags on social media. Are you looking for some books to participate or just your next great read? 

Let us help with a few contemporary authors and series to add to your reading list. 

Additional (non-book) readings: 

Recent discussions on Twitter have also highlighted several things: systemic biases in the mainstream publishing industry in publishing advances and how Black and other minority authors are often expected to write books only about trauma.

While fiction and nonfiction can be great ways to learn about other people's experiences (a window) or see ourselves (a mirror), everyone has a wide variety of stories that make up the fabric of their lives and everyone should be able to tell a variety of those stories. The #weneeddiversebooks initiative focuses on amplifying voices in children's literature so more children can see themselves in the books they read. 
