Tom Murphy
Tech (Building 9), room 230B
919-536-7200, ext. 8157
Plan of Study
(Courses by Semester)* This program is financial aid eligible.
Information Technology - Software Development
Long Term
Course work includes development of a student's ability to create, store, communicate, exchange and use information to solve technical issues related to information support and services, interactive media, network systems, programming and software development, information security and other emerging technologies based on the selected area of study.
Graduates should qualify for employment in entry-level positions with businesses, educational systems, and governmental agencies which rely on computer systems to design and manage information. The program will incorporate the competencies of industry-recognized certification exams.
- Design and develop software solutions based on user needs and requirements
- Create, modify, and test code and computer applications
- Develop and write computer programs to store, locate, and retrieve data and information
- Design, implement, and administer computer databases
Find information about credit by exam and academic credit for professional credentials. Also see Industry Certification-related Content Taught in IT Courses (PDF).
View the open lab schedule/online assistance.
A new Artificial Intelligence course is planned for Spring 2024. If you are interested in receiving more information, complete the request form.
Estimated Tuition & Fees
Degree Type
Associate in Applied Science (AAS)
Main Campus
Credit Hours